Friday, July 22, 2011

This One Is A Mystery

Since there is nothing so well worth having as friends, never lose a chance to make them. 
~Francesco Guicciardini
I didn't get much sewing in yesterday :(  The morning started with bill paying - one of my least favorite chores.  Then I had to prepare my traveling sewing bag to take to the quilt guild meeting last night for a sew in.  This was the first time I had to take my sewing machine with me and it felt really weird.  I kept worrying that I was forgetting something.  Did the mental check list of sewing machine (that was rather hard to forget), scissors, thread, bobbins, cutting/pressing board, rotary cutter, seam ripper, pins......  I don't have a travel iron so that wasn't an issue.  It was a lot of fun and I really didn't forget anything.  We had the choice of making the jelly roll race quilt or another little project.  I chose the jelly roll as I knew that I could turn that into quilts for Loving Hands.  A good time was had by all.  A good way to end the day - with friends and fellowship!




Saturday is National Mosquito Day.  This holiday is celebrated by learning about the mosquito and passing on the information, both good & bad.  So for that reason, here some facts about those little blood sucking creatures:
* Only female mosquitoes bite; using proteins from a blood meal to produce eggs. Most species can produce several batches of eggs during their lifetime.
* Worldwide, mosquito-borne diseases kill more people than any other single factor. In the United States, mosquitoes vector (spread) several types of encephalitis, dog heartworm, and malaria.
* Adult mosquitoes only weigh about two milligrams.
* According to the Fond du Lac Humane Society, mosquitoes will be more attracted to you if you're wearing the color blue. Darker colored clothing attracts mosquitoes more.
* The average mosquito takes in about 5-millionths of a liter of blood during feeding.
* Smelly feet are attractive to mosquitoes – as is Limburger Cheese.
* A full moon increased mosquito activity 500% in one study
Time to pull out the repellent - especially if you are wearing blue!!



One day this week I worked on the Designer Mystery BOM from Fat Quarter Shop.  There was quite a bit of cutting required for this month's block....

Lots of little 2 inch squares and 2 3/8 inch squares.  And would you believe I cut the green with white dots fabric wrong?  Luckily I could substitute out the solid green and still have the right amount of squares with no devastating results.

Some of those squares turned into these blocks.  Could those be strawberry topped mountains?  Or maybe red beaked geese?

And more of the squares turned into these shapes.  Just noticed the green fabric matches the green in my ironing board - giggles.

And one more sub-block to make - this one with the fussy cut center.]

And here is the final block.  See, I told you that my cutting error really didn't make a difference in the outcome of the block.  This block is called Promise of Spring and was designed by Pam Buda.  This BOM is supposed to create a different flower each month but I'm darned if I can figure out what flower this might be.  I love the colors though and the design is very pretty.  It won't be long before the next BOM arrives since I made this one so late in the month.

The votes are in for the binding for Colors Thru The Window.  There were a total of 48 votes:  15 for a black binding and 33 for the multi colored binding.  Looks like I will go with the multi colored binding!  Thanks to all of you who took the time to vote and/or express your opinion through comments.  I really do appreciate your advice and suggestions!
FMQ - DAYS 7 & 8
Day 8's practice piece is called Brain Coral.  The upper right corner shows where I didn't quite have the concept down but then all of a sudden it clicked.  This is sort of an elaboration of meandering.  I had fun with this one and my stitches were fairly even.

Yesterday's practice piece is called Matrix.  I got a bit too curvy on this piece.  It shouldn't look quite so confusing.  Once again I had trouble going from bottom to top and my stitch length seemed to be a bit off too.  I think I went into it with the idea that this was going to be a piece of cake and I certainly proved otherwise - lol!



The other day I received 3 wonderful blocks from my swap partner in the 6 Inch Block Swaps Australia.

Coralie sent me these 3 beautiful blocks.  I have yet to try circles or curves and love the look of these two blocks.  And the scrappy basket block is just adorable!!  Thank you so very much, Coralie!



Today I hope to finish the Christmas mug rug I've been working on.  This one involved applique so there was a bit more work to it. 

A Stitch In Time is having a giveaway.  You could win a charm pack of Hullabaloo.  This giveaway ends Sunday, July 24, at 8:00 pm EST.
SarahJane is having a giveaway.  You could win 4 yards of Children at Play Fabric, 1 framed 8×10 print of your choice, 3 packs of greeting cards, 1 blank journal, 1 pack of bookplates, and other little random surprises from the shop that she'll throw in for fun.  This giveaway ends Sunday, July 24, at 10:00 pm EST.

Our Busy Little Bunch is having a giveaway.  You could win a bag of Rockin' Green detergent.  This giveaway ends Saturday, July 30.

Quilt Story is having a giveaway.  You could win stack of 9 fat quarters of Art Gallery Oval Elements.  This giveaway ends Monday, July 25.

Mary on Lake Pulaski is having a giveaway.  You could win four fat quarters of Susan Branch fabric from her Tea Party line, a heat resistant pastry brush, and a  Decal Kit from Fiber Flies.  Two winners will be drawn on Monday, July 25.

A House In The Country is having a giveaway.  You could win a GO! Baby Cutter and your choice of 3 dies.  This giveaway ends Monday, August 1, Australian time.

Hancocks of Paducah is having a giveaway.  You could win one Island Batiks Rose of Sharon Quilt Kit (I really shouldn't be telling you about this one because I would LOVE to win this one!).  This giveaway ends Wednesday, August 10.

Sew Inspired is having a giveaway.  You could win GO! Baby Cutter and 3 dies.  This giveaway ends Monday, July 25.

Creativity Amongst Chaos is having a giveaway.  You could win a wonderful pillow along with a collection of Rosie Tweet Patterns, or any patterns of your choice instead ($50 worth).  This giveaway ends Wednesday, July 27.

Iron Violet Designs is having a giveaway.  You could win a  fat quarter bundle of 15 of Poppy Seed Fabrics.  This giveaway ends Sunday, July 24, at noon.

LA Quilter is having a giveaway.  You could win your choice of 50 yards of miscellaneous fabric from Vicky's stash, or 50 miscellaneous fat quarters from her stash, or a $50 gift certificate to the Fat Quarter shop.  This giveaway ends "Saturday morning, July 24."  So I don't know if she means Saturday or Sunday since the 24th is actually Sunday - lol.

Diary of a Quilt Maven is celebrating two years of blogging and her 200th post with a giveaway.  You could win two project books and a Layer Cake from Adorn It.  This giveaway ends Thursday, July 28.



Do you have big plans for this weekend?  This will be our catch-up weekend of running errands.  We will make our normal start to Saturday by making a stop at the local Farmer's Market and then it's off and running.  It's supposed to be another hot one so that will just add to the misery 'fun' of the day.  Sunday I hope to get a little hand sewing in along with a week's worth of dirty clothes washing.  I think it is also wash day for the pups.  Luckily they both love to be bathed.  Perhaps DH will create some magic with the barbecue, which also helps to keep the heat out the kitchen.  I'm all for easy and cool this weekend - anything to beat the constant heat of summer.

Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it. 
~Russel Baker


crafty pug said...

WOW! Love the flower block, so intricate. Not sure what actual flower it is either though :) hope you get your errands done! Xx

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Glad you are enjoying a quilt guild - after you stressed over to join! Love when you share your mystery blocks - looks like another great quilt. I have yet to try a circle block, too - there are days I can't sew a straight line - does that count??

Enjoy your weekend - keep it simple and cool.

Marsha said...

I hope to can tomatoes this weekend. Saturday send the boys fishing so I can sew. Sunday have a cook out with my family over at my mom and dad's.
Have a good weekend!

Barbara said...

I enjoy mystery projects as long as they are not too big before I know what's going on. I don't want to put a LOT of work into something and end up not like it. Your mystery block is fabulous! Still watching your FMQ progress, and your "brain coral" reminded me of water swirling about. Could be either, I guess, at least they are related. ;) I'm really impressed by your lettering, you must have very steady hands. Great progress!

Mommarock said...

I really appreciate you posting about all the goodie giveaways.. I keep on trying to win me a Go baby.. no luck so far, but darn it I keep on trying :)

Lana said...

Your block is wonderful! I would love to have a quilt made of those...
those flying bugs you mentioned? yes...we know them well here in the hot and humid climate of Houston- So...good to know about the blue attraction!
I think all your practice is great! I want to see what the back looks like...and maybe know how you set your tension to accomplish those.
Enjoy your weekend out and about, perhaps you will find some goodies that will make up for the chore side of it!

Melody said...

I adore Promise of Spring. Well worth all the tricky piecing.

Browndirtcottage said...

I just LOVE LOVE your BOM flower block!! Wow, your fabric choices are great too!!

em's scrapbag said...

Your mystery block and red white and blue blocks are lovely. Keep up the good work.

Wendy said...

I love the fabric and colors in the mystery block and think it turned out great! Your FMQ is going well I think. I need to try it again soon. Have a great weekend and try to stay cool!

corina said...

Your mystery project looks very interesting. I have a hard time with mysteries. My favorite part of quilting is choosing the right fabrics, which is impossible to do when I don't what it is I'm making! Can't wait to see your jelly roll quilt. I've made 2 in the last couple of weeks. So quick and easy!

pajudie said...

Love your BOM flower block - the colors are so cheery and bright! The mosquito facts were interesting, too - Limburger cheese, huh??? Hope my feet don't smell like that :o) Hope you sew-in was lots of fun -

Lynette said...

Wow - sure do love the mystery blocks. Don't you hate it when you cut something wrong from a monthly delivery?

Anne said...

I see you have featured Arkansas' state bird, the mosquito! LOL! That's what folks in my state say. I never knew the connection between the protein in our blood and the formation of their eggs! I must have been distracted in science class that day.

Love your BOM block. Kind of reminds me of a camellia. Still impressed with your fee-motion work. Your curves look smooth. I saw a video yesterday on Nancy Zieman's blog, I think. She was using a rubber ring she called a halo to help guide her quilt under the needle. It looked interesting. I read an article in McCall's quilting that suggested making "turnarounds" in the part of a quilt that'll be covered with binding. Guess I'll know, first-hand, if this is good advice after I take the plunge myself!

I've been visiting Megan's blog lately and enjoy reading her posts. She featured a pasta salad yesterday. I don't eat food with mayonnaise as a main ingredient, but I clicked her link for recipes and found several I'd like to try. I bring this up because I saw photos of your grandsons. They are absolutely adorable! What a wonderful young family. I know you are so proud of them!

Hope you stay cool during your outings this weekend. It's been hitting 103 here. I managed to take my golden retriever and my daughter and son-in-law's German shepherd for a walk at the same time early this morning. A man passing by in his truck actually saluted me! LOL! We are also keeping my daughter's two cats. My house is zoo annex!

Have a fabulous weekend!

quiltzyx said...

Wow, that sure was a lot of cutting for your mystery block - but the finished block is lovely. :^)

I'm glad that you're enjoying your quilt guild! I'm a bit of a guild fan myself....

Tomorrow I'll be painting some soup mugs at the ceramics shop, then meeting a gf for lunch at the Elephant Bar (creme brulee, here I come!!!). After that, I'm working on my kitty quilt & 2 more blocks to catch up on the Skill Builder QAL at Sewn. And sometime this weekend I suppose I should do some home chores too....ick.

Stay cool Linda!! :D

The Mayo Family said...

Miss Linda~
I love the mystery block, wonderful colors & pattern! :)
Ha...on the mosqutio! We have them in adult size this year! (ug) When it seems cool enough to step out, they are awaiting to carry you off!
Looking forward to seeing your 'mug-rug' (wink) sounds like your getting it nearly done.
have a wonderful weekend~

Megan Harmeyer said...

If you went to a guild meeting last night, that means we haven't been there for a month! I can't believe how fast time time is going by. *sigh* No plans for us this weekend - though I guess we're having Dade over to spend the night Saturday and Nate is getting a haircut, too. Other than that, nothing exciting.

Quiltjane said...

Mossies and ticks are vile creatures. Your FMQ is looking great. I love that website for ideas and lessons.

Linda in Arkansas said...

Quite an interesting flower - I don't know what flower it would be either. Although it's very pretty block.

Guild sounds like so much fun!

Quiet Quilter said...

Check out the Mosquito Festival in Clute, Texas this weekend....

Quiet Quilter said...'s all this next week...

Linda said...

How did I miss that post and the opportunity to vote!! I love that quilt and I would have voted for the multi colored binding too! The colors are beautiful!
I also love your new block. I don't know what kind of flower it is either, but I like it!
Thanks for the warning about smelly feet attracting mosquitoes! I know some people that I might warn about that!

Sarah Craig said...

What a gorgeous block, Linda! Thanks for sharing - even if you don't know exactly what it is!! Maybe a peony?

Gene Black said...

I really like your Matrix quilting. I think it looks great.

Unknown said...

Your mystery blog turned out cool!

this weekend... I have a workshop on Saturday. I'll most likely blog about it. lol

Have a great weekend!

God bless and keep you,

Valspierssews said...

Glad you got everything sorted for your guild meeting. It would be awful to forget something that you couldn't just borrow like a power cord. Your mystery block is amazing. It certainly is intricate and the colours look great. Love your brain coral :)

Miss Hillbilly said...

I LOVE your mystery block. It is cute!

I like to wear blues and grays. My husband has forced me to try to be more girlish in pinks and brights but that is not my comfort color. I guess no more blues when I am in the woods!

This weekend I have a wish. That my husband would take the little one for a while and let me sew...just for a little bit! In my house that is a very big wish, but I am wishing anyway. And I am going to eat a s'more for our crafters campfire!

Lynda said...

Not sure what that flower is either but it sure is beautiful! Love the hexie flowers too. Your machine quilting looks really good. I've been busy for a few days and haven't been reading blogs. Glad to be back and enjoy all your posts. Not so fond of those mosquitoes!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Saturday, my son turns 18. He is on a mission trip, and gets back in the afternoon. I drive him to Wisconsin on Sunday to his camp councilor job. Busy weekend for me. I've been getting his birthday dinner ready all morning.

Shannon said...

I hate paying bills also. What a waste of good sewing time, LOL! I am glad you had fun at the sew in. I need to try one of those jelly rool race quilts. They sound very simple! Youe BOM flower looks great I like it better that way! Your getting better at you FMQ. Keep going you'll be a pro before you know it. I hope that your weekend goes smoothly!

Kathryn D. Duke said...

really like your post...full of info!! I also like the sample free motion samples...good idea!! Thanks

Bev C said...


Glad you had a great night sewing. Your blocks made and received are beautiful. Hope the weather cools down a bit for you.
Happy days.

Lynette said...

Hey, thanks for linking up to BOMs AWAY. :D The block turned out really nice with the substitution. I love that you're going through the Leah Day quilting motifs. I've been doing that off and on, too. Quite an interesting experience - but a good skill-development tool!

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