Monday, October 24, 2011

Continuing Stitches

How is it that our memory is good enough to retain the least triviality that happens to us, and yet not good enough to recollect how often we have told it to the same person? 
~François Duc de La Rochefoucauld

Whew!  I'm glad that weekends over.  Friday night started out with dinner at Red Robin - we hadn't been there in a couple of years.  What a mad house but the burgers were good.  Next to Penny's for some new jeans.  I figured it would be a marathon try on event in the dressing room but the first pair I tried on fit well, were long enough and were very comfortable.  Score!!  Bought two pairs.  Then found two new nighties, too!  Next to Joann's to use my 50% and 40% off coupons.  Couldn't walk out of there without more fabrics for hexie flowers and found the little travel iron I had been looking for.  Finally made it home a little after 8:00pm.  Out the door the next morning at 9:00 to hit the farmer's market then onto Walmart and Costco.  Believe it or not Walmart was less crowded that Costco.  At Costco I felt like a pinball in my power chair.  Dodging carts and people and sample carts was a challenge - especially since everybody seemed to be going 90 mph oblivious of those around them.  Until you got to the sample carts where you couldn't go up the aisles you wanted to.  I think we may have to go back to week nights to do our Costco shopping.  After lunch and some more errands we finally made it home about 3:30.  Exhausted!!  Sunday was a slower paced day but still had to do wash and some general pick up around the house.  Thank goodness it's Monday!



We missed a great day of celebration!  Saturday was National Nut Day.  Nuts are nutritious, delicious and versatile. They are used in everything from snacks to desserts to pesto sauce. They are a favorite food of many Americans. What do we really know about nuts? Here are some fun facts. Cashews area very popular nut, but did you know their shells are poisonous? Cashew nut shells contain urushiol. The nut of the cashew cannot be eaten until all the urushiol has been removed. This is done by steaming the shelled nuts. Don't touch the shell either. Touching the shell of the cashew can give you a nasty skin rash.
The Macadamia nut originated in Australia but 90% of all macadamia nuts are now grown in Hawaii. Macadamia nuts are not picked. They are harvested after they ripen and fall from the tree. The macadamia nut has the hardest of all nut shells. It takes 300 pounds of pressure to crack this nut.
Sunflower seeds are often considered to be a nut. They are actually the seed of the sunflower. The tallest sunflower ever grown was 25 feet 5 ½ inches. It was grown in the Netherlands in 1986. The sunflower is Russias' national flower and they grow the most sunflowers in the world. The sunflower got its' name because the flower always faces the sun.
Filberts and Hazelnuts are from the same family and often considered to be the same nut. The filbert is often ground up and used in baked goods, in other countries, when almond prices are too high. The filbert was named for St. Filberts day as this is when the filbert bush blooms. The majority of hazelnuts are grown in Oregon.



I finally finished two more stitchery blocks for A Gardeners' Journal quilt.....

This square is called Garden Tools.  Fitting name don't you think.  When cut down to size the block will measure 4 1/2" X 6 1/2".

This block is called Smell The Roses.  It reminds me of my own grandmother working with her rose bushes.  This block will measure 6 1/2" X 8 1/2" when cut down to size.  I don't know why the background fabric in either of these blocks didn't photograph correctly.  It is much creamier than it appears here.  Oh well.

Now a question for all of you stitchers out there.  What is the best way to get rid of the hoop ring creased into the fabric.  I always remove the hoop when I'm through stitching (never leave it on over night) and I press the heck out of (with steam) when I'm through with the block.  No matter what I do there always seems to be a faint hoop crease left in the fabric.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



Friday I received a block from one of my October partners in the Block Swap Adventure......

Jamie made this bright and cheery block for me.  Won't it look great in one of my Loving Hands little quilts?  Thank you so very much, Jamie!!



Today I plan on getting a couple of packages ready for mailing and then hopefully get some stitching in.



Don't Call Me Betsy is having a giveaway.  You could win a $50 gift certificate to Fat Quarter Shop.  This giveaway ends Tuesday, October 26.

Cat Patches is having her Fun Fact Friday Freebie.  You could win a fat quarter.  The winner will be announce Friday, October 28.

Texas Freckles is having a giveaway.  You could win a $25 gift certificate to Fat Quarter Shop.  This giveaway ends Thursday, October 27.

Possum Blossom Patchwork is having a giveaway.  You could win a pack of pre-cut fabric hexagons from either the Fa la la la la range or the Rounneries Deux range by Moda; or 5 pieces of Paris Flea Market by Moda in ballet slipper pink, or a pendant made from genuine vintage Republique Francaise postage stamps set behind glass tiles.  This giveaway ends Saturday, November 5, at 9:00 pm Sydney Australia time.

Thread Head is having a giveaway.  You could win a copy of The Aloha Quilt by Jennifer Chiaverini.  This giveaway ends Friday, October 28. 

Confessions of a Fabric Addict is having a giveaway.  Sarah is ready to send the Traveling Stash on its way once again.  This giveaway ends Saturday, October 29, at noon central time.



The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself. 
~Author unknown, commonly attributed to Benjamin Franklin


Vroomans' Quilts said...

I actually had a quiet weekend - not much stitching as I am helping my SIL with her project - but lots of cleaning that is sorely needed in this huge house!

Staci said...

Hi LInda! Loved the nut info. Your blog always makes me hungry early in the morning. Going to have prowl through the cupboards when I finally leave the computer alone. Think I have some raw almonds in there somewhere. . . .
Your stitcheries are just darling. I think I'd like to hang out with that gardening lady. She looks liked she'd be a lot of fun!

rubyslipperz1052 said...

BZ weekend! I LUV nuts! I've been called a rodent many times because of my luv of nuts (well, maybe not if they've called me a "rat") =P

I went to JA this weekend too. I was able to use a 30% off coupon that I got last week. I won't tell you how much i saved. That would give away what I spent (UH-OH!)

One of my goals is to of the goals done that I didn't get done this weekend...put a quilt on a frame. Yikes! I'm a procrastinator!

love and hugZ,

Unknown said...

I have found it really hard as well to remove the hoop line. I have actually purchased a scroll frame for some of my cross-stitch projects and that works well. I have also started to not tighten the ring as tightly when I have small scale projects. And I iron the thing to death!

Bethany said...

"Thank goodness it's Monday." Not sure that I've ever heard those words uttered before :)

Maria said...

Your stitchery's look lovely. Sorry can't help with the hoop line. I don't get one but maybe I don't tighten my enough.
Nice bright block you received.

Needled Mom said...

Your gardening stitches are just darling. It will make a wonderful quilt.

I would not even try Costco on the weekend. The food stands are always placed in the busiest places. I just do NOT get it!!!

Are you using a wooden or metal hoop? I have a wooden one with the inside ring line with fabric. You can just take narrow strips of a cotton fabric and wrap it round and round and round. It gives a little extra cushioning when the piece is placed in the ring. Ater removing it I use a pressing cloth (Rajad) to press it flat.

I'm with you. I love Mondays! I hope you have a quiet week ahead.

Barbara said...

What? No FMQ today? matter, those adorable stitcheries more than make up for it.

Impera Magna said...

I'm no expert but mebbe spritz your block with water to dampen slightly and then let it spend a little time in the dryer with a couple of tea towels perhaps?

Raewyn said...

I too sometimes have the problem of a hard to remove hoop line on my stitching --- I wondered if it was because I'd tightened it too much but haven't got to the bottom of the problem yet. Love your latest stitcheries. It is a quilt I often admire.

The Vegetarian Hunter said...

Mmmm Nuts! lol They are just so tasty. I had no idea about the cashews!
I'm glad you asked about the hoop mark - I read through your received comments and guess I am going to try a combo of the less tight / wrap the ring with fabric.
Have a lovely quiet Monday =)

Linda in Arkansas said...

Now that we have a Super Walmart near us I can on a weekend. It's big enough to hold all those people. But Costco being too crowded? Woowee - that must of been tough.

Oh I really need some more nighties - I'll have to check out Penny's. Happy to hear you did well at Joann's including the little iron.

Joanna said...

I love Smell the Roses and the cherry block. Both make me smile. We don't have Costco here, but do have BJ's and I won't go there on a Saturday ever again. It is just too annoying.

Mhairi said...

Do you wrap your hoop in linen tape. You need to do about two layers on the inner and outer hoop and secure well. - make it really tight. I have never had a problem with a hoop line when using this method.

Sheila said...

I have also had that problem with a hoop line so may try the above suggestion .Your stitcheries are adorable .Enjoy your week.

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Okay Linda, you didn't post what you bought at JoAnns! I wish it was closer....I have all these coupons but don't get there that often....which might be a good thing. Love your blocks, they are so sweet!
Quilting by the River

Barbara said...

it's been a while since we've seen your Gardener's Journal stitcheries. I just love them. I use Mary Ellen's Best Press on my stitcheries or even just spray with water and that gets rid of the hoop marks.

Miss Hillbilly said...

Gosh, I haven't been to Red Robyn in forever either!!

Look forward to your fussy cuts from your new fabric!

Karen said...

I mark my embroidery lines with a water soluble pen, so after completion I give it a 'light soaking' with my ironing spray bottle and leave it to dry, then iron it. Usually the hoop line has disappeared in the time it takes to dry, and anything that is left gets ironed out

Shannon said...

I am sorry but I am in the same boat as you. I have no idea of how to get the rings out. I hate them. I figured it was because I tighten my hoop to much and I pull the fabric too tight. I hope you find a good suggestion.

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