Friday, February 24, 2012

Progress and What Was In My Mail

Sometimes I feel that life is passing me by, not slowly either, but with ropes of steam and spark-spattered wheels and a hoarse roar of power or terror. It's passing, yet I'm the one who's doing all the moving.
 ~Martin Amis, Money

It's Friday!  It's hard to believe another week is almost over.  It's even harder to believe that another month is about to end.  I guess the saying "Time flies when you're having fun" is true as it the saying "Time goes by faster the older you get".  I try to use my time wisely but there are those days where nothing much seems to get done.  Well, sitting here isn't getting my quilting done or my dishes washed.  Guess it's time to head for the sewing room (the dishes can wait).  Do you have plans for the weekend?




Opossums are quite often referred as ‘the living fossil’, as they have been residing on earth since the dinosaur age. They have been known to inhabit the earth since the past 70-80 million years, making them one of the world’s oldest surviving mammals.  Here are so more interesting facts about opossums:
* Opossum is the only living marsupial in North America
* Opossums do not hang by their tails. An opossums tail could not support an adults weight. Juveniles may hang by their tails while learning to climb but cannot sleep while suspended from its tail.
* The name Opossum was first used by Captain John Smith in 1608. It was adapted from the Native American Algonquin name "apasum" meaning white animal.
* Opossum is omnivore and can eat almost anything including bugs, snails, mice, and other small animals as well and dog and cat food.
* Opossums make very little noise, if frightened it may make a quiet hissing noise to hopefully scare of predators. 
They have a remarkable resistance to poisonous snake bites
They make a nest by carrying bundles of leaves and stems clasped firmly in their tails
They are clean and always grooming
* They are exceptionally non-aggressive and non-destructive. They will not harm people or pets.



With the longer weekend and a some stitching during the week I was able to make a bit more progress on my counted cross stitch project.  

This is where I was a week ago.

And here you can see the progress I have made since then.  There's enough detail in this piece to keep it interesting but it does involve a lot of thread changes - just the kind of challenge I enjoy.
Design: Summer Sampler
Designer: Sandy Orton for Kooler Design Studio
Fabric: 18 count cream Aida cloth
Fiber: 2 strands over 1 - DMC floss



This week I received a block all the way from Portugal!

Teresa made this wonderful star block for me for the February Quilting Block Swaps Australia.  The block includes so many darling children's prints.  And she also included a wonderful little hexie flower.  Thank you so very much, Teresa!!



Recently I won a giveaway and this arrived in the mail this week from Canada......

Lavender Ridge was celebrating her three year blogiversary with a giveaway.  I won the two Schnibble patterns.  Linda also included a wonderful fat quarter and a cool plaid pencil.  I'm looking forward to making up those great little quilts.  Thank you for letting me help you celebrate, Linda!



I've been working on piecing a quilt and I hope to begin quilting it today.



Jolly Jabber is having a giveaway.  You could win Sandy Gervais' Designer Select Fat Quarter Bundle.  This giveaway ends Monday, February 27.

Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe is having a giveaway.  You could win a counted cross stitch design.  This giveaway ends Saturday, March 10.

Nataly's Needle Creations is having a giveaway.  You could win an initial scissors fob or a set of 5 counting pins.  This giveaway ends Thursday, March 1.

FabricWorm is having a giveaway.  You could win 10 Fat Quarters of the complete collection Commute.  This giveaway ends Monday, February 27, at 8:30 am PST.

Quilting Gallery is having a giveaway.  You could win one of Pat Sloan's Girls In The Garden pattern.  This giveaway ends Sunday, February 26.

Olive and Ollie are having a giveaway.  You could win one of Pat Sloan's Girls In The Garden patterns here too.  This giveaway ends Sunday, February 26, at midnight EST.

Stitchin With My Furbabies is celebrating her 1 year blogiversary with a giveaway.  You could win a crocheted lapghan.  This giveaway ends Saturday, February 25.

ThankFullga447 is having a giveaway.  You could win 2 polka dot fat quarters and a darling little sewing kit.  This giveaway ends Saturday, February 25, at midnight.

Jaybird Quilts is having a giveaway.  You could win a fat quarter bundle by Dear Stella fabrics.  This giveaway ends Sunday, February 26, at 9:00 pm PST.

Sew She Can is having a giveaway. You could win 10 fat quarters by Pat Bravo from Fat Quarter Shop.  This giveaway ends Tuesday, February 28, at 11:00 pm EST.

Pickle Dish is having a giveaway.  You could win a copy of A Year Of Cozy Comforts.  This giveaway ends ?

Lily Pad Quilting is having a giveaway to celebrate reaching over 600 followers.  You could win a wonderful prize package full of all sorts of goodies.  This giveaway ends Monday, February 27.

My Brown Bag Studio is having a giveaway.  You could win a Farmer's Market Fat Eighth Bundle.  This giveaway ends Sunday, February 26.

Spring Water DesignsPat Sloan's Girls In The Garden patterns.  This giveaway ends Sunday, February 26, at midnight.




Vroomans' Quilts said...

I just love the block you received! The stitching is coming along wonderfully. I have a pin board and keep one or two needles loaded with each color - could have 50 needles across that board - then I can stitch longer between re-threads. (just have to keep it where furries can't reach)

Teresa said...

Yes time is going by faster and faster it seems.
Your stitching scene is coming along nicely.
Congrats on the win.
Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

Linda said...

The sad thing is that the older we get time does move faster. Enjoy each day to the fullest.
love your x stitch. I'm stuck on mine, being at it for two years.
I don't think this craft is going to be a longtime hobby....

Needled Mom said...

Your stitchery is really coming along beautifully. It sounds like a fun challenge.

We have a lot of opposums around us so it was fun reading about them. They always remind me of large rats!!!

I saw that you had won the Schnibble patterns. Congratulations. You will enjoy making them.

Your block is very pretty.

I hope you enjoy your weekend. We have a dinner dance/auction Sat. night and my mom's birthday on Sunday so it will be a busy one here too.

krisgray said...

Oh - those 'possums! They got into my grandma's barn to get at the chicken feed and whatever else they could find. Boy! they do hiss and show their teeth. They look much cuter in the pic than they do in real life - lol!

Your cross stitch is so pretty. Can't wait to see how it progresses next week.

Linda in Arkansas said...

That picture of the opossums is just too cute. We have one that visits are back yard, so it's a relief to know it is not aggressive.

Cheree @ The Morning Latte said...

I just have to add the possums can absolutely growl--esp when caught in a cage-trap! We have chickens and, tho they seem a passive animal (and I think the babies are adorable), they will cause some havoc there. They'll scare the chickens--who won't lay when they've been frightened--and they'll eat their food and their eggs. As cute as they can be, I have learned to dislike them immensely! Love the Schnibbles patterns! How fun. I'm getting ready to start on one of their patterns right now.

Barb said...

I just love mail....yours was awesome!

Snoodles said...

We see possums here frequently, so I'm glad to know a little more about them....we discovered one years ago, living in the engine compartment of an old car here on the farm! LOL He was not happy about being waked from his nap, and hissed at us, baring his teeth. Looked pretty intimidating!
Thanks for being a PR angel for my giveaway!

Anonymous said...

wow Linda that cross stitch will be stunning when you are finished,well done and congrats on your wins.xx

Melody said...

Your posts are always fabulous and this one is no exception. Love that swap block too.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I made a quilt from Schnibbles a few years ago (X-Rated). It was supposed to be 31" square, but, I turned it into a full sized quilt. It was sew much fun to make.

Teresa F. said...

Another stunning cross stitch project. I'm so glad you liked the block. I loved to be your partner.

Sarah Craig said...

I love your cross stitch!! So pretty - makes me want to go to the beach right now!! And thanks for the facts about possums - lots I didn't know! Whoop whoop!!

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Your cross stitching is really coming along Linda! Opossums never have rabies either, we used to live in the country and had one that would sit on the porch with our cat. I would go out and give the oppossum a raw egg in a shell and he loved it. Of course we didn't have any livestock. LOL

Miss Hillbilly said...

You are getting there with your cross-stitch. Makes me kind of miss it.

Shannon said...

I love cross stitching but since I have been quilting I have not done any. Yours is coming along wonderful. Good job!

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