Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A Bit Of Sewing

Give thanks for what you are now, and keep fighting for what you want to be tomorrow. 
~Fernanda Miramontes-Landeros

Whew!  What a busy weekend.  Saturday was the annual Walk To Defeat ALS in Kern County.  My team was made up of family and friends and we all had a wonderful time.  The Walk started around 9:00 with over 500 people in attendance.  After lunch was served and devoured, we finally made it home around 1:30.  The rest of the afternoon was spent with our DD#2 and SIL and then expanded to include my BIL & SIL.  Soon after the rest of the family arrived and did the noise level ever increase - lol!  DH barbecued tri-tip and we served it with Santa Maria style beans, french bread, and salad with little eclairs and cream puffs for dessert.  I was totally exhausted by the time we were in bed at 9:30.  Sunday was dog wash day and laundry day.  I was glad to see Monday roll around so I could get back to some sewing and a bit of peace and quiet.  How was your weekend?




I probably gave you facts on these oranges fruits last year but this time of year always brings pumpkins to mind.  I just love pumpkin bread and pumpkin muffins and, especially, pumpkin pie!  Here are some little facts about pumpkins:
Pumpkins originated in Central America.
* The name pumpkin originated from "pepon" – the Greek word for "large melon."
* Pumpkins contain potassium and Vitamin A.
Pumpkins are fruit.
* Pumpkin flowers are edible.
* Eighty percent of the pumpkin supply in the United States is available in October. 
The largest pumpkin pie ever made was over five feet in diameter and weighed over 350 pounds. It used 80 pounds of cooked pumpkin, 36 pounds of sugar, 12 dozen eggs and took six hours to bake.
* In early colonial times, pumpkins were used as an ingredient for the crust of pies, not the filling.
* Colonists sliced off pumpkin tips; removed seeds and filled the insides with milk, spices and honey. This was baked in hot ashes and is the origin of pumpkin pie.
Pumpkins were once recommended for removing freckles and curing snake bites.
* The largest "official" pumpkin ever grown weighed 1,340 pounds.
Pumpkins are 90 percent water.

(okay, I don't know why Blogger kept changing the font and size on me - and I couldn't fix it either! FRUSTRATING!! )



I have already sent off this months Doll Quilt to my swap partner, Vickie, who lives in Utah.  Hopefully she has received it by the time this post hits cyberspace.

The orange is so much brighter than this photo depicts.  I found this foundation paper piece Witch pattern on Artisania, where you can find several wonderful free patterns.  I then added the two borders from scrap Halloween fabric I had.  Wouldn't you know, I forgot to measure the finished piece but I think it came out to around 14.5" X 16.5".  The theme for October was "Spooky" so I think this fits.



I also made and sent out the blocks for this month's Let's Bee Together hostess, Sara.  

And, of course, I through away the info before writing this post so I don't remember the name of the block.  I do remember that Sara got the pattern from Eleanor Burn's Quilt In A Day.  These were easy and fun blocks to make.  The green is the background fabric and she has each of us using different contrasting colors so it will be interesting to see what her quilt will look like.  



A little funny to brighten your day.......


Average Quilter said...

Your witch turned out great. It does feel good to get back at it.

Needled Mom said...

Ha! Good one!

I'll bet you were exhausted after all of the goings on there. It always feels great to have a quiet day after entertaining.

Love your cute witchy mini and the green blocks look like they would make a fun and easy quilt.

What's this I hear about some snow possible in the mountains this week????

My Sister Made Me Do It.... said...

Glad you made it through that weekend so you could get to sewing! The witchy quilt is darling and your bee blocks look very "country"...nice pattern. I'll bet the pumpkin pie crust is delicious...might have to try that someday......and that Madge.....gotta love her! LOL...

Linda said...

I'm still laughing and can't remember what comments I was going to make! That last one was so funny! I can't wait to tell my family.
Your little quilts were so cute! I'm sure the recipients will love them!

Anonymous said...

love your witchy mini it looks fantsatic Linda,well done.xx

Flo @ Butterfly Quilting said...

I laughed so hard at your Starbucks joke, I just about spilled my coffee!!

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Great Spooky doll quilt and the swap blocks are interesting - should be a great quilt. And Maxine - laughed so hard!!!

Vickie said...

Thank you so much for the little witchy mini I just love it! It will make a great statement in my holiday decorating. Yours is in the mail today.

Maria said...

You sure did have a busy weekend but it was nice to spend time with your family.
Cute Doll Quilt and the swap blocks look great..

Love the funny...

✾Jamie Lee Cooley✾ said...

That witch looks great! I loved the joke! I've never farted once in front of my husband. We have a policy to "maintain the mystery." So far it's worked.

Janet said...

I had a hectic weekend something like yours. People coming and going all weekend. I'm exhausted today. Love the cartoon! So funny. And your witch is great.

Vesuviusmama said...

I just printed out that witch - I want to give her a try! And sad news, my co-worker with ALS just informed me that he is retiring at the end of this month. I know it is a good move for him, but I am so sad to not be seeing him as much and for the necessity of the move. I wish the research would come up with a cure NOW!

Sue SA said...

Phew your weekend left me tired...and hungry! Being Australian I have never had pumpkin pie, but not keen, I know you say they are a fruit, but I just prefer them as a soup and roasted here! Mind you I cooked rhubarb last night for dessert and DH tells me its a vegetable!
Love the witch mini quilt, and the swap blocks, that colour combo is great.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Love your witchy witch!

Barbara said...

Oh, your final thought cracked me up. Love your witch. Great spooky quilt.

Valspierssews said...

I am assuming your weekend was Thanks Giving. Sounds like it was fun and hectic. I adore anything made with pumpkins. Queensland is famous for Flo's pumpkin scones. Flo was the wife of one of our past Qld premiers (state government leader). Pumpkin pie is one of my favourite things. I love the bee blocks and your doll quilt. I must say the witch looks perfectly pieced.

Joanne Lendaro said...

LOVE your blocks, they are perfect, the little doll quilt-cute and Maxine is always a riot! Hope you get some down time after your busy weekend!

Staci said...

Ahhh, mysterious are the ways of blogger......about the time we figure it out it does some new weird thing, does't it?

Barb said...

Oh...I love your doll quilt!

Anonymous said...

such a wonderful work digitizing companies !@!

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