How is it that our memory is good enough to retain the least triviality that happens to us, and yet not good enough to recollect how often we have told it to the same person?
~François Duc de La Rochefoucauld
Have you ever not told something important to someone because you are sure you already have? I seem to do that a lot with my DH. I'm home all day thinking of different things to tell him or to remind him only to have him come home and not remember any of it. And then he will question me about something and my answer is "I told you about that, remember?". When in all reality I probably had that discussion with him in my head. I don't like bothering him at work and bombarding him with endless emails. Notes sometimes help but I can put a sticky note up in plain sight and then totally look past it for days until it is no longer relevant. So, the next time he hears my normal response of "I told you about that" - maybe I really haven't. Sorry, honey! Or I do remember to tell him something but I've already told him that something 3 different times. Does this ever happen to you?
My first Camellia of the year
This is my absolute favorite Camellia. Unfortunately, I can't remember it's name. It looks so delicate and reminds me of fine china. Few plants introduced to America have a richer historical or more romantic appeal than does the camellia. First discovered in China in the 17th century by Fr. George J. Camellus, or Kamel, Moravian Jesuit, plants were introduced to England in 1739 by Lord Petre. When you name someone Camellia what does it mean? Camellia comes from a tribe in Antarctica called the "hensheig" they were known to be part of a wolf pack. The wife of the tribe was named Camellia which means leader of the wolves. When you give Camellia's as a gift it can mean: 1) Admiration; Perfection; Good Luck, Gift to a Man 2) A pink Camellia means Longing for you 3) A red camellia means You're a Flame in My Heart and 4) A white camellia means You're Adorable.
Friday was not a crafty day for me. Getting the Block Swap Adventure partners organized was my top priority. I was able to get a little stitching done in the afternoon.
Only a little bit more and it will be ready to assemble.
Saturday my DH and I went to Ontario to the Road to California Quilt Show. After a drive through the valley Tule fog we finally reached blazingly bright sunshine and warmer temperatures. Our first trek through the buildings was to visit the vendors. There was lots to see and lots to remember. My DH was smart enough to mark the catalog with the booths that I wanted to return to. After all, I had to scan them all before making any purchases - lol! I returned to three and made purchases at two but I will save that for tomorrow's post. Today I would like to share some collages of the beautiful quilts and clothing we viewed. Keep in mind my DH had the camera so you will be able to see what quilts he really admired - well, and me too.

This is but three of the many articles of clothing that were there. These just happened to be the three that DH found most appealing to him.
There were so many beautiful and unusual quilts! I don't think I really had a favorite. The Best of Show is the center quilt with the gold ribbon. It was truly and amazing quilt. The quilt to just the left of it had 3D poppies on it. My DH has always liked the Baltimore style quilt and makes a point of letting me know that they are his favorites each time we go to a quilt show. Guess I will have to see about making him one someday.
These are a few of my favorite animal related quilts. The parrot was assembled with raw edge applique adding to the dimension of the work. The geese had a small prairie seen in the lower portion but we couldn't get a clear shot of it. The barn animals was just delightful with the little mouse in the bottom center near the piglet. The blue herons was just as beautiful on the back as it was from the front. The dog was made from what had to be 1000's of 1" squares (that is a close-up below it of the nose area below it).
These were my favorite miniatures. I guess I should have held something up next to it so you would have some size of reference. The leaf quilt was approximately 18" square. The one below it was even smaller than that. The hexagon one was made with 1/4" hexies so that will give you some idea of its size.
There was so much to see and so much more I could have shared with you but I think you can get the general idea. I found out afterward that if I was to share pictures with you on my blog I was also supposed to give the creators credit. I apologize as I didn't get this information down but please be assured that I'm not trying to take credit of making these myself......only in my dreams.
Posted by AccuQuilt on Facebook - "There are 50,000 quilters passing through the Tokyo Dome every day for 9 straight days." Can you imagine that many people at a quilt show?
Have you ever had a thread show up in your quilting sandwich that just must come out? Borderline Quilter has the solution to your problem. I wish I had seen this a while back. It would have saved me from ripping out hours worth of stitching. (Click on the link of the blog title for the solution.)
Today I will be making the next block in the 2010 Designer Mystery BOM from Fat Quarter Shop.
Today I will be making the next block in the 2010 Designer Mystery BOM from Fat Quarter Shop.
Sew Jewelry is having a giveaway. She is giving away a charm pack of Sherbet Pips! But hurry! This one ends tonight (January 24) at midnight.
Quilty Giveaways is having a giveaway. She is giving away a pattern from Paisley Pear Quilts. This giveaway will end January 29th.
The Polka Dot Chair too is having a giveaway. If you would like to win a fat quarter pack of Moda then you have to enter by Friday, January 28 at midnight EST.
Lila Tueller Designs is having a great giveaway! There are three chances to win. Unfortunately she didn't post a deadline for her giveaway.
Where Women Create is having a giveaway of fabric. Five yards from Sis Boom! You must enter by Tuesday, January 25, at midnight MST.
And there is still my 400+ FOLLOWERS THANK YOU GIVEAWAY! There are two ways two enter to win 6 1/2 yards of Vintage Florals. This giveaway will remain open until Monday, January 31 at 7:30 AM PST.
Are you ever envious of the quilts you see created by other quilters? I know I am. It's not really a jealousy but something more like desire. Sometimes I think that maybe one day I may make a quilt something like that. Other times I think "how beautiful" and know that there will never come a day that I could create such a masterpiece. Then I look at others and think "What a great idea!" - quickly followed by 'I know I will never use it'. What do you take away from a quilt show? Ideas? Innovative processes? Inspiration?
Envy is a symptom of lack of appreciation of our own uniqueness and self worth. Each of us has something to give that no one else has.
~Elizabeth O'Connor
And there is still my 400+ FOLLOWERS THANK YOU GIVEAWAY! There are two ways two enter to win 6 1/2 yards of Vintage Florals. This giveaway will remain open until Monday, January 31 at 7:30 AM PST.
Are you ever envious of the quilts you see created by other quilters? I know I am. It's not really a jealousy but something more like desire. Sometimes I think that maybe one day I may make a quilt something like that. Other times I think "how beautiful" and know that there will never come a day that I could create such a masterpiece. Then I look at others and think "What a great idea!" - quickly followed by 'I know I will never use it'. What do you take away from a quilt show? Ideas? Innovative processes? Inspiration?
Envy is a symptom of lack of appreciation of our own uniqueness and self worth. Each of us has something to give that no one else has.
~Elizabeth O'Connor
What a beautiful flower Ms. Linda! I can't wait for spring and hopefully we'll be in a new place with a garden! Need flowers!
I love your snowman stitching!!
Looks like the Quilt Show was awsome!! What a great collage of quilts!
Thank you for sharing the photos of the quilt show with us Linda.
You did well to get any stitching done when you are so busy.
Beautiful flower.
I have conversations in my head with my husband all the time. The poor guy, I'm always telling him that he has a bad memory because he forgets so many important conversations but in reality it was all in my head.
Love the heart fabric around your snowman. Perfect match for the block.
Thanks for the link to Borderline Quilter's post. That is very helpful information.
Thanks for the reminder that I should have posted the names by the pictures I shared. Love your Camellia.
I can so relate to the memory thing - but it makes life interesting. Your Camellia is just beautiful and brings a little spring into our cold N.E., thank you. Thank you for sharing the quilt show photos - feelings taken away from a show? Hmmm - not envy, I think inspired. I know my limitations and I can be happy with that. Just as I know others OH/AH over my tiny stitches - they probably have a talent I don't, but that's what creativity is all about.
Great quilt show! I had to laugh at your comments about remembering what we've told to someone. My husband used to work out of town and I had to start putting a check on envelopes or keeping a log of what I had told him about already....either I hadn't told him or (more likely) he didn't remember either!
Any time I have the opportunity to view quilts of others I come away with such inspiration and motivation that it spurs me on to my next project.
I always have conversations with my hubby in my head. It is the only way that I know he will listen to me. LOL.
Have a wonderful day.
I'll bet those quilts were absolutely amazing to see in person. I just didn't get a chance to get there this year, but it is quite the show.
Your snowman stitchery is just lovely.
That is such a pretty Camellia too.
G'morn Linda ~ Yup! do this all the time with hubby, but thankfully he is forgetful a bit, chuckle! We do get a few laughs over this.
Your Camellia is awesome, & PINK! That is good.
Our top buying client sells at that Tokyo quilt show & does very well ... it has to be a site to see. She has sent us pics before. I so love the feel of the vintage feedsacks fabrics we sell, the texture, the patterns, etc. We have over 3,000 of them.
Pop over for our Valentine's Giveaway
Have a beautiful week ~
Hugs, Marydon
Maybe if Dad knew how to text you'd be able to ask him when you thought of it? LOL There are some seriously gorgeous quilts out there (yours included)! Your camellia is really pretty - is it early for it to come in to bloom?
I went to a quilt show as a novice quilter. I was just blown away with the possibilities. They make great inspiration. But I have decided that most of the time, my quilts are for me. They are more for use and love than a wall. So I keep at it.
It's adorable that your husband went with you and kept track of the places you wanted to see again.
Those quilts are just amazing! I wish that I had seen them in person.
OMG, I was laughing so hard. I do that all the time with my husband. Only, I do not admit to it. You are a bit more honest than I am.
Thanks for sharing your Camellia flower, it's gorgeous! Your snowman block is just delightful and thanks for taking us on the tour to the Road to CA show. Also thanks for sharing the giveaways. Have a great week!
Love your camellia! To see those here in the midwest I'd have to go to the temperate house at the Missouri Botanical Garden.
I love the hexagon piece, fun to see different styles like that.
Your quote at the top of your post caught my eye Rochefoucauld is very near to where I live in France, but dont think it has anything to do with François Duc de La Rochefoucauld. Having never been to a quilt show it's hard to say, but I do get inspired by the pictures, and I also just look at some with my mouth open and think - oh I wish!! Hugs Linda x
The envy - that's me when I see other people's quilted creations. The "I thought I told you that already" - that's my mom; she thinks if she's told one of us kids that certainly all four of us know.
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