Wednesday, September 21, 2011

So Many Flowers!

One half of knowing what you want is knowing what you must give up before you get it. 
~Sidney Howard

I have so many projects I want to work on.  So many that it's almost putting me into a funk because I know that I can't work on all of them.  I really do like what I'm working on but for some reason my mind keeps going to all of those projects waiting in the wings.  Some are waiting for me to get back to them and others are waiting to get started.  Why can't I be happy just working on what is currently at my sewing machine or on the hand stitching project I have going?  Why do I always have to be thinking ahead.......what if.......?  How do you handle these urges?  Any suggestions would be appreciated.  I'm keeping to the current projects so far but.........




Did you know September is designated as National Chicken Month?  Neither did I!  In honor of this domestic fowl, here are few facts you might find interesting:
* There are over 150 varieties of domestic chickens
 * A rooster takes 18-20 breaths a minute, a hen takes 30-35.
* It takes a hen 24-26 hours to lay an egg.
* A chicken can have 4 or 5 toes on each foot.
* Grocery store chickens are 5-8 weeks old.
* In 1979, the World Record was set by a White Leghorn who laid 371 eggs in 364 days!!!
* Chickens are not capable of sustained flight.
* A chicken takes 21 days to hatch.
* "Alektorophobia" is the fear of chickens.



Yesterday I received a wonderful block in the mail......

Susan is a new member of Block Swap Adventure and was my swap partner this month.  I just love the red, white and blue double star she made for me!  This will go so well with the other blocks I've received.  Thank you so very much, Susan!!



I received two squishy packages this week that contained hexie flowers from the Inchy Hexagon Flower Swap......

These adorable flowers came all the way from Croatia!  Simona made these fun flowers for the August swap.  She included a beautiful lace flower and a postcard.  Thanks so very much, Simona!!

These two happy flowers were made for me by Kristina for the September swap.  I couldn't help but smile at the cute center of the pink flower :)  The colors of the flowers just pop on the other one with the black background.  Kris also included two squares that I can't wait to incorporate into something - perhaps a mug rug.  Does the card remind you of yourself and some quilting friends?  Thank you so much for the fantastic flowers, Kris!
All four of these flowers are going to fit so well into my Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt! 



I was only able to make two flowers this week for my GFG.  Unfortunately, my Aunt Sarah quilt did not grow at all.

Now I'm sure you all recognize this fabric.  Remember?  I used it to make a Loving Hands little quilt.  How could I pass up using this John Deere Fabric in a flower?  Doesn't the center sort of look like a badly plowed field?

Then I found the cutest frog fabric when looking through my multitudes of fat quarters I have stashed away out of sight under the bed (in a storage unit, of course).  My first thought was "Those frogs are just too big to work into a flower."  But I pulled the fat quarter out and started playing with it and made it work.  Looks like they are all trying to escape - lol!  Can you tell I had little boys on my mind when I made my flowers this week?
If you would like to see more hexagon flowers out in blogland, Karen, of Journey Of A Quilter, created One Flower Wednesday and has provided a linky where lots of us connect.  Thanks to Karen for keeping my garden growing!



Today I hope to make a Loving Hands quilt.



Comfortstitching is having a giveaway.  You could win a fat quarter set of Little Apples.  This giveaway ends later this week (no specific date given).

Two More Seconds is having a giveaway.  You could win two charm packs of Countdown to Christmas or Ready Set Snow.  This giveaway ends Friday, September 23.

Love Affair With My Brother is having a sponsored giveaway.  You could win a jelly roll of Ruby by Bonnie & Camille from Fat Quarter Shop.  This giveaway ends Monday, September 26.

Annie's Ruby Slipperz is having her weekly Monday Mystery giveaway.  You could win 5 fat quarters.  This giveaway ends Saturday, September 24.

Crap I've Made is having a sponsored giveaway.  You could win a Kona Cotton bundle from Canton Village Quilt Works.  This giveaway ends Friday, September 23, at 10:00 pm MST.

A Quilting Life is having a giveaway.  You could win a fat quarter bundle of Tea Time Garden.  This giveaway ends ?

Fiber of All Sorts if having a giveaway.  You could win  some DS Quilts fabric, or Square it Up a pattern by Sew Happy Geek, or $25 gift certificate at the Intrepid Thread.  This giveaway ends Friday, September 23, at 22:00 PST.

Tilda's Twisted Life is having a giveaway.  You could win MyMemories software.  This giveaway ends Tuesday, September 27, at midnight EST.

Blackbird Designs is having a giveaway.  You could win a bundle of Blueberry Crumb Cake.  This giveaway ends Sunday, September 25.

Cotton Way Blog is having a giveaway.  You could win some RUBY fabric and Moda goodies.  This giveaway ends Monday, September 26.

The Jolly Jabber is having a giveaway.  You could win Kate Spain’s Designer Select Fat Quarter Bundle.  This giveaway ends Monday, September 26.



Ta-ta for today.  More thoughts on Friday (maybe).

Often the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain. 
~Carl G. Jung



Melody said...

Fabulous hexie flowers this week. I love them all but the froggies have stolen my heart.

rubyslipperz1052 said...

o, o, o...clapping mee hands rapidly together...I get to be your first commentor of the day!

yep and thaz it! You didn't really expect anything words of wisdom, etc?

O...but, I DO LUV-LUV the froggy flower!!

ok, I guess my words of WIZ are...when you have to quelch bad urges...go shopping! =P


rubyslipperz1052 said..., I'm bummed. I took too long to write and came in second.

krisgray said...

Good morning, Linda!

I struggle with all the projects that I have, too. There are days that it really stresses me out. Unfortunately, I don't have any solutions. Sometimes I sit my self down and make lists of what stages my various projects are at, such as "tops together to quilt," "blocks done," "piecing started."

I try to remind myself that this is a hobby for me and if I want to watch a movie or enjoy some gardening, well, that's ok because I'm not sewing for anyone but myself (and family).

Good Luck!!

Snoodles said...

Yes, I feel that way, too, sometimes. It doesn't help when others don't really understand our hobby (or is it an addiction?!). I can't say that I have found a good way to deal with it yet. A few deep breaths maybe? And the comment above about a list sounds good!

Karen said...

I too find it hard not to think ahead to the next project and wish I had an answer for you. Maybe some kind of therapy would help, ;) Wonderful swap flowers and your flowers are excellent too. Ribbit!

Cheryl said...

The new additions to the garden are precious. The swap blocks are so perfect for you!
Don't fret...we all are in the same boat with projects. I found making a priority list helps a little...of course, I put what I want to work on up top and don't seem to get much done on the lower half of the list.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Oh my goodness! Such wonderful hexies received and made - just think the frogs are 'jumpin'. I am the wrong one for advice as I just have lots of projects on the go and waiting too. I just work on what the mood and spirit likes - eventually they will all get to and/or done - no stress.

Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

Love love love the frog hexie you made!!!

How do I keep from getting in a funk....I work on many projects at once. Tell yourself just 15 minutes on the one at the machine that you really don't want to work on right now, then switch to another one, just for 15 minutes if you really don't want that one either, after a while, they get close to finished and then you want to sew for hours to finish them. So keep lots of projects near by, and make yourself a 15 minute rule. It helps a lot.

Somedays I may only sew on 2 projects for 15 minutes each, other days I sew for hours and hours.

Lynda said...

Always love the hexie flowers. The froggies might be a favorite!

Linda said...

I'm afraid I don't always handle the problem of finishing one project before starting another one very well. I'm really bad about "multi-tasking"! I usually tell myself that I can work on something different if I spend ------minutes (fill in the amount you want to spend) on the current project. (This is a hold over from teaching school. I often gave my little ADHD students a little timer and set it for short increments of time. They had to work on their project until the timer went off, then we set it for another short period of time that they were to work on something else.)
The little flowers are all so cute! There's not a bad on in the whole group!

Barb said...

Love your swap blocks and FMQ???

I am like you, I have so many projects on the burner that sometimes the pot boils slowly....I was thinking last night how I am going to handle this problem. Good luck....

Barbara said...

I LOVE your swap block, and the frogs and tractors are adorable! About getting bummed with so much vying for our attention, I have recently read a great book that helps with this kind of thing. It's titled "Rapt" Attention and the Focused Life" by Winifred Gallagher. You can get it on Amazon either new or used for very little. I think the main point is that being mindful about our attention can really help mood and outlook overall, because one's emotions tend to go where your attention goes. Take a peek at this book, it's so helpful!

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Your new hexies are so cute! You really come up with some great fabrics that you fussy cut. I have many projects going on and have hundreds I would love to do.......just keep enjoying it....that is the most important thing.

Teresa said...

I many wish I could just enjoy what I am working on and not think so much about what project is next.
I love the frog flower. They look like they are saying "stop the world I want to get off". I feel like that sometimes.
Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

Bethany said...

I LOVE your Croatian hexies - how cute! Isn't it fun to see fabrics from around the world?
I don't know how one deals with the "what's next" thoughts either - I find it rare that I am in the sewing moment and not thinking ahead...

Paulette said...

Your hexie flowers are adorable! I love both the tractors and the froggies alike. Very clever!

Hope you accomplish your goal today!

Paula said...

Oh Linda I too find it hard , I'm not good at planing ahead, I wish I had an answer.
Lovely hexies received and I love the ones you made specially the frogs - so cute.

Quilting Chemist (Danette) said...

Your blog is so fun to read - Great flowers! I think Ribbit is adorable, I love the fussy cutting you did on the frogs.

Maria said...

Oh I can relate to not sticking to one projest. I am working on 10 differents ones.
so today I just sat and sewed and sewed till I finished the Mystery Quilt I am doing with our Guild.One At a time. That is what I am trying to do.

Love all the hexies that you received and made this week especially the frogs.

Birdie said...

Great flowers as usual, I am having fabric envy. Love all of them.

Megan Harmeyer said...

OMGosh the froggy flower is CUTE!! I know what you mean about having too many projects - I feel that way a lot!

Joanna said...

I know what you mean about projects. I tell myself not to join any more qal's and then I see one and join it! Love your frogs and the ribbit in the middle. So cute.

Impera Magna said...

I love all your hexies but that froggie one is THE BEST EVER!!!

I suppose I'm a goal oriented planner... when I start a project, I usually have a target completion date that I shoot for. I allow myself one project in the planning stage, one in the cutting/sewing stage, and one in the finishing stage.

This doesn't mean I don't start extra stuff but it does help with starting too many projects to juggle. It also doesn't mean I finish every project "on time"... but I'm usually pretty good about being close to the targeted finish date.

It also allows some wiggle room when you "suddenly" need a quilt for a gift... mostly baby quilts, which go together much more quickly.

Wiggle room also encompasses quick projects like stuff for the grandbabies or a Halloween costume for a friend's little girl.

I also tend to start quilts in the spring and summer and finish them in the fall and winter... when it's cool/cold and I don't mind having a quilt in my lap while I hand-sew down the binding.

So far, this seems to work for me...

WoolenSails said...

I love your fussy cuts, so fun and gives me ideas on types of fabrics and cuts to get unique designs. I think the frog really shows how a pattern can be made into a new one like that, really clever.


Deborah said...

All those hexie flowers are adorable!

Sunnybec said...

I am getting so far behind with reading blogs I don't seem to have enough time to both sew and read! I love your frog hexie, how cute is that.

Fiona said...

Oh - sometimes I feel quite overwhelmed by the projects... and I still start new ones!!! just hopeless aren't we? I do love those waving frogs... made me laugh out loud....

rosie said...

Love this post... those little froggies are amazing, and I love the John Deere flower with the ploughed paddock...
I was fascinated by the chook facts.. such a gorgeous practical bird, they make such good pets..
I am the worst person to ask about projects and wanting to start more.. I do try hard, but have so much I want to try...
Have a lovely day..

Michele said...

I'm having the same problem! There are so many projects I want to be working on, I'm having trouble enjoying the one I'm sewing now. I wish I could give you some help with this, but I can't! On another note, I just love your frog flower! It doesn't get much cuter than that :-)

Becky G said...

Your flowers make me very happy! As far as UFO management... well, I am like you... lots of interests and excitement about what's next. I have been most successful (and that is limited success I might add) by partnering up with someone else who has the same project lingering. I am also in a couple of bees and I tend to take a UFO to work on. Good luck!

Erica said...

As usual I love your flowers! What kind of hexie swaps are you a member of? Any room for a newbie?

Melissa ;-) said...

That frog flower is the best!!

ElfRenee said...

I love chickens! And your frog fabric is adorable!

Jeanette said...

Beautiful blooms but i just love the frogs flower. So cute. Happy Stitching,

Miss Hillbilly said...

I am always wishing to make things too and it makes me sad when I can't. That's why I threw away a bunch of projects awhile back and feel so much better. Now I do one hand project, one machine project, and have a list a mile long of want to do's...but I am getting to them as I get finishes. Finishes make me happy.

quilterliz said...

G'day. Interesting info about chooks. I have always had chooks, except now that we are living in town and didn't know most of those facts. I just love the frog fabric, so cute. Take care. Liz...

marina said...

your flowers sent and received are just so gorgeous. Love the clever fussy cutting especially with the frogs. So cute!

Joanne Lendaro said...

From the looks of it, you could be suffering from creative overload! WOW! Love those cute little hexies!!

Renate Bischoff said...

The flowers are breathtaking! So cute!

Pat said...

Your flowers are so fun! Your friends sent you some nice ones too!

quiltzyx said...

Lots & lots of lovely flowers this time! Looks like you have terrific swap partners. :D

I had to print out the John Deere flower to show my friend who LOVES all things John Deere!

Thanks for sharing all of your wonderful projects with us & all the giveaways!!!

Linda in Arkansas said...

I always enjoy seeing your hexies. The froggie one is totally awesome. What size is it? As for sewing and dreaming ahead. At least you seem to always have a goal and complete it. I saw your two quilts at the fair and they are wondeful! My husband was commenting on the Christmas BOM one before we got up there to see that it was yours. Very Pretty and very nicely sewn.

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