Friday, November 26, 2010


Once again, we come to the Holiday Season, a deeply religious time that each of us observes, in his own way, by going to the mall of his choice.
~Dave Barry

Is everyone going out shopping today?  I'm not.  I'm enjoying family, relaxing, and just enjoying the day.  I haven't gone shopping on Black Friday in many, many years.  I do most of my shopping online, away from the crowds and the noise.  Did everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving?  I DID!!  Ate too much but had a great time with family and friends around the table.  And the smoked turkey made by my DH was absolutely delicious!!  Thank you, honey!



My Santa collection

Since it is now officially the Christmas season, it is time to bring out my Santa collection.  Do you know who Santa Claus is?  He is based on a real person, St. Nicholas.  St. Nicholas, or Sinter Klaas in Dutch, was a very shy man and wanted to give money to poor people without them knowing about it.  It is said, that one day, he climbed the roof of a house and dropped a purse of money down the chimney.  It landed in a stocking which a girl had put by the fire to dry!  This may explain the belief that Father Christmas comes down the chimney and places gifts in children's stockings.  When the Dutch introduced him to the Americans they called him Santa Claus.


No sewing yesterday, or even Wednesday.  Too much preparation, too little time.  Did you check out my two new blogs?  If not, please do.  The are Block Swap Adventure and Let's Bee Together.  If you are looking for something to start after the first of the year, add these to your list!  We are still looking for new members.



The day has finally arrived for my next giveaway!  No special reason this time other than I found this when I was putting back all of my sewing crap mess.  Wouldn't you like to see?

Doesn't help much does it?

OK.  Let me tell you about it.  What I am giving away it the mostly complete set of Thimbleberries Quilt Club 2006 BOM Quilt Kit.  It appears that I am missing the fabric for the outside borders and maybe a little of the backing.  I did a google search for fabric from this collection and there are still some pieces available.

Here is what is included in this giveaway....
12 months of quilt blocks, fabric for sashing, binding, and most of the backing.  The backing is supposed to have a center piece with some blocks in it that I apparently never got (who knows why not). 

This shows each of the twelve months.
This is the sashing, binding, and some of the backing fabric (8 3/8 yards of fabric just in this grouping alone!)

This is a sampling of the fabrics in a few of the monthly squares.  Pretty, rich, fall colors.

This is a picture I found online of the finished quilt.  See the outer border fabric?  That is what is missing.  Perhaps you already have something that will work or you can find something online.

Anyway, that is my giveaway!  What do you think?  Worth waiting through my hints the last couple of days?  Even with the missing fabric, you have to admit that this is a pretty good haul.

Here's how to enter to win this Thimbleberries BOM from 2006...

1.  Leave a comment telling me what you favorite movie is. 

Mine?  I have three - Steel Magnolias, African Queen, and Twister.  Yes I know, Twister isn't much of a movie acting wise but for some reason it just keeps me glued to the screen every time I watch it.  And I can only watch Steel Magnolias if I want a good cry and nobody else is home.  Love Sally Fields!!  And for a classic you just can't beat Humphrey Bogart and Katharine Hepburn.

2.  Blog about this giveaway, then come back and leave another comment telling me you did with a link to your blog for that day.  (If you leave it with the first comment then it will only count as one - make sure this is a separate comment).  So now you have two chances to win.

3.  There will be an additional chance to enter next week, but you will have to wait until I post that.

You do not have to be a follower of my blog but I certainly would like it if you were!  This giveaway is open to everyone!  Make sure that I have some way to reach you!  If your name is drawn and I can't reach you,  you can't win.  So, if you have a no-reply blogger then leave me your email.

This giveaway will end Friday, December 10th at 9:00 pm PST.  The winner will be selected by




As you head into the holiday season it is important to remember why we are actually celebrating, no matter what your religion.  It seems that commercialism has taken over everything.  Children do not understand the true meaning of any of the holidays except that it means they will probably receive gifts.  And I'm just as guilty as the next person in perpetuating this practice.  I lavish toys on my grandsons and buy too many gifts for other family members too.  Today I will stop and think about what Christmas means to me.  I will try to do this at least once a day until that special day arrives.

The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.
~Burton Hillis

Enjoy the rest of your Thanksgiving weekend!!


1 – 200 of 234   Newer›   Newest»
Unknown said...

My favorite movie is a classic! Gone With The Wind! I can watch it over and over!

Béa said...

OMG ! What a terrific giveaway !
I know I can't win but my favorite is "Sur la route de Madison" (The Bridges of Madison County) Hugs.

Melissa Corry said...

Wow, I am crossing my fingers. Those colors are beautiful. As for my favorite movie, that is tough. I think I would have to go with a tie between North and South and Pride and Prejudice :)

Pat said...

What great fabrics! I would have to say that my favorite movie is 'It's a Wonderful Life' with James Stewart and Donna Reed. It's also a favorite of many for this season of the year. If you've never seen it, now's the time.

scottylover said...

Are you SURE you want to give that kit up?? It is gorgeous! I have a stash of Thimbleberries so I'm sure I would have something that would work for the bordre. LOL

I have sseveral favorite movies. I LOVE Steel Magnolias, too, even though it makes me cry every time i watch it! I also love My Fair Lady, the costuming is wonderful. The last of my favorites is Funny Girl. Gotta love the music in it!

Thnaks for the chance to win.
Sandy A

A.J. Dub. (Amy) said...

I too, love Steel Magnolias, and My Fair Lady, but I think my favorite movie is Thoroughly Modern Millie. It is so fun!I love Julie Andrews.
My favorite Christmas Movie is Mr. Krueger's Christmas with Jimmy Stewart.

Kathryn said...

My favorite movie is Patton - I know as strange movie for a woman. However, my dad was in Patton's army and I'm proud of the service of our soldiers. Kathie L in Allentown

Maria said...

Pleased to hear you had a great Thanksgiving and the smoked turkey was nice.
I love "Lady in Red" and "Steel Magnolia"too.

Patty C. said...

I don't really have a favorite - I like movies with a good positive end - Bagger Vance, Cinderella man, It's a wonderful life, A Good Year....are some I like

I took my kids to see Tangled over thanksgiving - great movie :)

Patty C. said...

I am a follower & I put your Giveaway in the sidebar of my blog :)

Aimee said...

I have several favorite movies. If I'm in the mood for something Epic, it's Gone with the Wind. If I'm in the mood for a musical, I'd have to go with the 1986 version of Little Shop of Horrors. Best Christmas movie ever was Emmet Otter's Jug Band Christmas :)

Karen said...

We love the movie The Wedding Date, with Debra Messing and Dermot Mulroney. We have watched it many times and just really enjoy it. We have lots of other favorites but this is just a fun movie.

So, happy to hear you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and friends. We spent the holiday with friends this year and everything was gluten free for our daughter and grandchildren and it was delicious and wonderful to be with family and friends.

Thank you for a chance at the giveaway!

Aimee said...


Gene Black said...

I know that my favorite movie is frivolous but I always enjoy it and it always makes me feel good. What is it? Grease! the original with John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John.
And I am a follower! :-)

Michele T said...

My favorite movie is...."Mama Mia" - love the music and the story!! One day I will have to see the live production. This is an unbelievable giveaway! Thanks for the chance!!

robin said...

Favorite movie? I'd have to say The Sound of Music. I've only seen it about a dozen times.


robin said...

I blogged about your giveaway at:

Diane H said...

Wow, what a wonderful opportunity! I would love a chance to do a Thimbleberries BOM - be still my heart!!! DH and I both love the movie Joe Black. Thank you very much!

Anonymous said...

My favorite movie is 'The Bridges of Madison County' ohhh I am so much in love with Clint... never mind Merryl Streep!
I'd love to take part on your fabulous giveaway

Toni said...

WOW, Linda you are very generous! While I am not fond of Thimbleberries, I figured I would still share with you my fav movie...Grease!! Mmmm, John Travolta was hot back in the day--well, I think he is still pretty good looking! :) Now I love several other movies as well, but don't want to write novel for a comment :)

Have a wonderful day with your family!

Joanna said...

That is a very generous giveaway, and it's Thimbleberries! I love Lynette's designs and fabric.
My favorite movie? I love the older Disney movies, and love Pollyanna. I know, it's goody, goody, but I still love it.

Melinda said...

My favorite movie continues to be Gone With the Wind. I made a quilt earlier this year with Scarlett and Rhett on it in memory of my mother. I remember going to see Gone with the Wind with her several times.

Joanna said...

I posted about your giveaway in the sidebar of my blog. Thanks.

Ruth said...

My favorite movie is Miss Potter. Wonderful giveaway!

Sunnybec said...

I love Mamma Mia, its funny and you can sing along to all the songs. What a very generous giveaway hope I am the lucky one. Linda

Anonymous said...

I have posted a link of your giveaway on my blog

michele said...

I blogged about it:

Janet said...

My favourite movie is either Toy Story or Aladdin. I watched The Illusionist recently though and found it very intriquing and worth a second watch. I've never made a BOM but this looks like a nice one.

quiltercaroline said...

Hi. Wow what a generous giveaway, thank you. My favourite movie would have to be...Pride and Prejudice the old one with Laurence Oliver in it, also love Meet me in St. Louie another oldie but a goodie especially near Christmas. C

BillieBee (billiemick) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BillieBee (billiemick) said...

My favorite movie of all time is "Gone with the Wind."

My second would be "Somewhere is Time" and then "Peggy Sue Got Married."

What a strange collection......grin.


BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I posted about your giveaway on my blog.

quiltzyx said...

Wow! What a terrific giveaway, makes me so glad you decided that now was the time for that new carpet - lol.
I have lots of favorite movies, but the ones that I will almost always stop & watch when they come on TV are True Lies (one of my friends is in it!) & National all the Indiana Jones & Harry Potter movies too.
Thanks for the chance!

quiltzyx said...

I put a note about the giveaway on my blog too:

quiltma said...

My favorite movies are
1. Gone With The Wind
2. Miracle On 34th Street
3. White Christmas

quiltma said...
Here's the link where I blogged about your give-a-way.
I've always wanted to do a Thimbleberries BOM but could never afford it.
Thank you for being so generous.

ledamewood said...

What a generous giveaway!

My favorite movies are:

Gone with the Wind
Sound of Music
and any of the Harry Potter movies

CathyC said...

I posted about your giveaway

CathyC said...

i have several groups of movies that are my faves:
in the mood for action - Die Hard/Indiana Jones
in the mood for singing - we have a tie here - Singin in the Rain & High Society
I try not to watch too many movies that make me cry, but Apollo 13 gets me every time, oh and ET ;-)

Anonymous said...


Christine M said...

What an amazing giveaway! I think my favourite movie of all time would have to be "My Fair Lady". Of course, there are many other movies I love watching over and over.

Kathleen C said...

I would enjoy putting together this quilt; I'm sure the fabrics are lovely.
My favorite movie? I don't know if I have one favorite, but I also loved The African Queen, and Oklahoma and South Pacific are great older musicals.
Thanks for offering your giveaway.

JayTee said...

Sleepless is Seatle is my favorite is definitely a chick flick!!!

Willa said...

Fav movie at the moment is O Brother, Where Art Thou!

nono said...

This is a wonderful giveaway. My favorite movie is - Peggy Sue got married. I love the whole going back to your teenage years with adult wisdom. Thanks

SoozeM said...

Wow what a fantastically wonderful giveaway, I have my fingers crossed really tightly, it is such a gorgeous quilt and I would love to make it! I have a few favorite movies, I love An Affair To Remember, Gone With The Wind, and Little Women! Oh and all the Harry Potter movies, can't wait to see the new one just out!

Mommarock said...

Wow! this is a super fantastic giveaway! I would love an opportunity to win!

Melody said...

What an amazing giveaway. My favourite film is Sophie's Choice but only if I really want to cry. I love Tootsie for a laugh and The Exorcist if I want to be terrified.

NessaKnits said...

I have many favourite movies like How to Make an American Quilt, and Gone with the Wind, but my favourite Australian movies are The Castle, Priscilla Queen of the Desert and Two Hands. Thanks for the opportunity to enter. Off to blog now!

Joanne Lendaro said...

What a great giveaway!! One of my favorites for this time of season is Elf, but I really like Miracle on 34th Street too. I have so many favorites, The Yaya Sisters, anything with Barbara Strisand and Robert Redford, oh my goodness the Disney Movies, and then the classics Gone with the Wind, the Fountainhead, East of Eden, and who could forget Casablanca??? Love the Harry Potter series....gee, I guess I just about like them all!! Thanks hope you had a great Thanksgiving!!

Joanne Lendaro said...

Added a pic and link to my sidebar! Thanks for the extra chance!!

Irina said...

My favourite movie is "Local Hero". Thanks for the chance to win such an amazing gift!

Irina said...

I posted about this give away here

NessaKnits said...

I just posted on my blog here .. and my veri word was brasimpl ... lol

Marcia W. said...

My favorite movie - Miracle on 34th Street. Thanks for this lovely giveaway. I've never done a BOM - too impatient to wait. So, this would be perfect for me! We have a magnet on our refrig - "Jesus is the reason for the season."

Jocelyn said...

Oh wow Linda! What a fabulous giveaway! My favorite movie is "Pride and Prejudice". I also love "Enchanted". I could watch these two movies over and over. Thanks for entering me :-)

elliek said...

What a fabulous giveaway. Oh to have the time to make it if I won.! My favourite movie of all time is 'Singing in the rain" no not 'cos Glee featured it last week but I just love Donald O'Connor doing make'em laugh. Cracks me up every time. Could watch it over and over. Have a good day. Liz

Needled Mom said...

I wish there was some magic to make us all think more about the true reason we celebrate Christmas. I like your idea.

My all time favorite movie would have to be Gone With the Wind.

lisa said...

seriously? my favorite movie? Shesh...can I list a few? Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, grew up on that one, The Sound of Music, Dirty Dancing, and Christmas movies, I forget the title but it has Candace Cameron and Arnold...tom? and they have "christmas town" and oh it's great, and I think that's most of them.

Unknown said...

Hello! What an awesome give away! :)

my favorite movies are Roman Holiday, French Kiss, It's a Wonderful Life and Gone with the Wind.

Terri. said...

My favorite movie is Practical Magic. What a super giveaway!

Unknown said...

Hi again. :) I have posted your awesome give away on my blogs.

Jodi-JoJoMia's Place said...

My favorite Christmas movie is Elf! So funny. But I also love the Notebook, Bend it Like Beckham, My Best Friends Wedding. (MammaMia)
I just have to tell you my man's favorite movie is Steel Magnolias also, just have to give him a hard time about it - he is a big softie!

Melody said...

Back again, just to say I posted about your fabulous giveaway on my blog

Julie S said...

Master and Commander. I've seen it sooo many times, and I still love love love it!

BubzRugz said...

I would like to formally invite that lovely fabric to come and live with me.... I promise to give it lots of strokes and make it into something loved....
My favourite movie is Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe...

Cheryll said...

All I can say is WOW!!! you are VERY generous !
My favourite movie..umm.. is hard to pick. It's between:Shawshank Redemtion, The Negotiator or GI Jane... all have been watched many times. But I'd pick The Negotiator.
Thanks for a chance to WiN!

Lovie said...

I am a follower, and would love to win this wonderful giveaway. Hard to pick just one favorite movie so here are my top three picks, from 3 different catageories.
1. "Amazing Grace and Chuck" (from 1987)
2. "Under Siege" (from 1992 - with Steven Seagal)
3. "Man From Snowy River" (from 1982 - with Kirk Douglas)

Rochelle said...

My favourite movie? My goodness, how can I choose just one? I love Legends of the Fall, I get all emotional each time I watch it. The Last Samuri, another touching film, Mao's Last Dancer I love the rags to riches story and the determination of one boy - Wow!
I also Love Cars, yes cars because of the wonderful message of friendship.
A Knights Tale - Love Heath Ledger :-)
There are a few more I really love but you can read them in my profile if you are interested or I will be here all day :-)

Leah said...

What a wonderful giveaway... I'm not much of a movie watcher, but I'll have to go with Gone with the Wind

Rochelle said...

I have blogged about this wonderfully generous give away and you can read about it here
Thanks for the opportunity to be in the draw :-)

Laurie in Maine said...

Lord of the Rings trilogy - one after the other marathon! I celebrated Black Friday by sewing all day. Stash busted & finished 2 sided table runner!!

Jennifer Joshua said...

Love to win the giveaway. My favourite movie is Home alone. Its an all time fav one for me. My id is

Elsina said...

What an awesome giveaway! Love the fabrics. My favorite movie is the Lord of the Rings triology.

Jen said...

Wow! This is a big giveaway! My favorite movies are From Dusk till Dawn and Hell Ride. I just bought those two movies on Amazon the other day! Thanks for the awesome giveaway and I hope you had a fabulous Thanksgivng!

Cory said...

This is an awesome give-away. Thank you for sharing with us. My favorite movie is Ghost. Take care and God bless, Cory

WvHmmngbrd said...

I like the movie "Top Gun" has to do with the music and loud speakers!!! Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

My all time favourite movie is Shirley Valentine. About this woman who leaves her family behind and goes to Greece, where she meets a Greek man and stays with him. Beautiful movie about middle age. I do not have a blog but follow yours. Good luck to everyone.
Mieke from the Netherlands (and Sinterklaas is on his way!)

nono said...

I just blogged about the giveaway.

Val said...

Oh my what a generouse giveaway I do love movies enjoyed the Harry Potter series anything that Morgan Freeman stars in must say that Steele Magnolias is a favourite of mine too along with Waterloo Bridge

Lana said...

My new favorite movie is "As Good As It Gets" with Diane Keaton and Jack Nicholson and the soundtrack is a favorite on my iPod!
My old movie favorite is "A Portrait of Jenny" I remember watching that movie when I was little and falling in love with William Holden. HA!
But my favorite movie of all time is "The Jazz Singer" with Neil Diamond!!! The music in that movie is AWESOME! and I kinda "crush" on Neil every time I watch him. :)

Lana said...

You are officially my blog content for today!!! I even borrowed your picture! Come see it at:

YAY!!! I want to win this one for sure!

Anonymous said...

This is such a great give-away. I hope you pick me because I never win anything!! ;) (hint, hint)
I have lots of favorite movies. But I love, love, love old movies, especially Doris Day and Rock Hudson movies, and I've never met a John Wayne movie I didn't like.

Anonymous said...

I am now a follower. Can't wait to come back and visit often. Come check out my blog


SewLindaAnn said...

My favorite movie is Love Actually.

Teresa Marie said...

Wowzer! What a great giveaway!!! I think my very favorite movie is Home Alone 2, Lost in NY. It has everything I love about Christmas in it. Second place I think is Gone With The Wind. I love Scarlett's line, "I'll think about it tomorrow, after all tomorrow is another day". That's what I say when I am overwhelmed!

Teresa Marie said...

Blogged about your wonderful giveaway on my blog!

Tess said...

what an awesome giveaway! my favourite movie would be the new Pride and Prejudice with Kiera Knightly. Not as good as the bbc mini-series, but very well done to compact such a huge story. (And Mr Darcy still makes me swoon!)

Hand Quilting Nana said...

My favorite movie changes from time to time. This time of year I think The Christmas Story is my favorite. I really like You've Got Mail and The Goodbye Girl.

Thank you for this wonderful giveaway. What a nice Christmas present for some lucky person!


Tiffaney said...

Steel Magnolias is a wonderful movie & I do cry everytime I see it. However my favorive movie has to be My Cousin Vinny.

Thanks for the chance to win such a wonderful giveaway.

WoolenSails said...

What a wonderful giveaway.
My favorite movie that I have seen recently is Avatar.
I love the story line and the animation, really well done.


momhooten said...

My favorite movie is Wizard of Oz!
What a fablous give away.

quilary said...

My favourite movie is three Lord of the Rings - so captivating and true to the books.
Brilliant giveaway, thanks for the chance.

Deb said...

What an amazingly generous giveaway. Thank you. You have a really interesting blog and I will enjoy following you.

My fav movies are in no particular order...Ghost, Avatar, The Shawahank Redemption and Lord of the Rings.

PegC said...

Please count me in! favorite movie? too many to count BUT...
almost anything with Meryl Streep and/or Russel Crow: "Something the Lord Made"(true story): the movie about Bob Carson's life (truely inspiring)...Pride and Prejudice and anything Jane Austen with good actors...

Mystica said...

I agree wholeheartedly over your last paragraph. The Christ seems to have gone from Christmas and this is more apparent in the West than anywhere else. In asia the religious aspect of Christmas is still very much there. This is very noticeable in Easter celebrations too.

Thank you for sharing your fabric with us! beautiful giveaway and please count me in.


PegC said...

I've posted your giveaway on my blog and blogged about it!

Maria McCabe said...

I don't have just one favorite movie, I have so many. But if I had to choose, I love "And then there were none" from I believe the 1940s based on the Agatha Christie novel. Also any older version of "A Christmas Carol" and I have to add Twister - I can recite the movie I have watched it so many times.
Just started following your blog - LOVE the quotes...Thanks for the chance to win!

Quiet Quilter said...

My favorite movie depends on what mood I am in....Red River with John Wayne and Montgomery Cliff comes to mind, as well as Flight of the Phoenix with Jimmy Stewart.

Quiet Quilter said...

Posted your giveaway on my blog:

Emillie Rose said...

Right now my favorite movie is Christmas Vacation!!

Vickie said...

I would have to say RV because it makes me laugh everytime I watch it!

Vickie said...

I just posted about this giveaway on my blog!!!
Thanks for a chance to win!

Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Linda, what an AWESOME giveaway. Let me tell you about my favorite movie. Oh Brother where art thou! I have in on DVD, VCR, 3 or 4 CD's it plays a lot in our house. Hubby and I both love it.
I became a follower too, hope you stop by and visit me and my hubby.

Charlene S said...

My favorite movie is "Gone with the Wind." Too many times I can be heard saying either "Honestly,_____, I just don't give a d___!"(insert name and dang in blanks) or "I'll worry about it tomorrow."

Deb said...

Hi~ I only recently found your blog and put you on my Bloglines right away. I'm enjoying all your posts. I'm not much on movies so I don't know many to choose from, but we always watch It's A Wonderful Life around Christmastime. So I'll pick that one as my favorite. Oh wait, maybe the Sound of Music, too. I'd love to be entered for your generous giveaway!

Amy said...

Thanks for hosting such a nice giveaway! One of my favorite movies is Sweet Home Alabama.

Becks said...

My favorite movie is Pretty In Pink, and has been since middle school! (I am now 36) :o)

Winona said...

Oh Wow, Linda. I love anything Thimbleberries. Please enter me. I have a few favorite movies. I seem to watch these over and over. We just watched 'RV' yesterday. I laugh all the way through it. LOL I also love 'National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation'. I have a couple of old movies that I love as well. 'We're No Angels' has Humphrey Bogart in it. I also love 'Seven Brides for Seven Brothers'. I think that is all. You are having a very generous giveaway. Thank you for the chance to win.

Cecilia said...

My favorite movie is "Pride and Prejudice" the original A&E movie. I can watch it over and over again with no problem. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Sarah Craig said...

My favorite movie? Braveheart! How can you resist men in kilts???

Quilting_Chris said...

I have loved that fabric since it came out. Love the border print and have some. My favorite movie is Casa Blanca. I must have seen it dozens of times. It brings back memories of sitting watching old movies with my Mom on Saturdays before she and Dad went out for dinner. Thanks for the memory.

Joan J said...

What a generous giveaway! My favorite movie is probably one few have heard of -- Undercover Blues with Dennis Quaid. I think it's just the funniest movie! I'm also a closet Ma & Pa Kettle movie watcher. Does that get me any extra entries? LOL Just kidding.

joanoh at cinci dot rr dot com

Pam said...

My favorite movie is Summersby. I love it's so romantic and such a tearjerker!

Anonymous said...

I love the movie Dirty Dancing. Thanks for the giveaway!

Cindy F said...

What a generous giveaway! It's so hard to decide on a favorite movie...I love Pride and Prejudice (the BBC tv production with Colin Firth) and I love Paint Your Wagon and Pirates of Penzance, the Kevin Kline and Linda Ronstadt version (which just came out on dvd after many years...yippee!!!)

Jen said...

I blogged about this awesome giveaway at The Quilty Home!

Jess @ Scrappy n Happy said...

My favourite movie is Pride and Prejudice, I really love the long version but since having kids I find I tend to watch the shorter Kiera Knightly version more.

Quilts and Cats said...

I see, like many other, that my favorite movie is Gone With the Wind. It's life lesson to me is "perserverence"!

Shelley said...

Great balls of fire! what an awesome giveaway! My favorite movie is the original Grinch movie..I like the new one with Jim Carey too :)! Thanks for the wonderful chance to win these lovelies!

MoeWest said...

Thank you for such a generous giveaway. I was working with a piece of Thimbleberries fabric yesterday and it has a beautiful weight and feel. My favorite movie is Dr. Zhivago, which was my first movie date with DH.

Anonymous said...

I got to your blog from One More Quilt.
My favorite movie is Major League, it was so funny and it's about the Cleveland Indians. I try to watch it every year.
Another movie I liked, but only saw it once, is How to Make an American Quilt.
cindy cke49 dot yahoo dot com

Micki said...

I would absolutely love to win this. It would make the most beautiful quilt. My favorite movie was Wuthering Heights. It was so romantic, and I loved the moors and the scenery.

Becky said...

I don't need a new project, but the fabric in this one looks WONderful! We ate the last of the Thanksgiving left-overs at lunch. I do think we still have some Turkey Gumbo left. It was made with the left-over turkey and carcass. I did some online shopping on Friday. We took our decorations out of the basement. I've begun decorating, but it will probably take me most of the week to finish.

Oh, my favorite movie is "You've Got Mail." It has books, Christmas, friends, dogs and romance. My kind of movie:)

Kathy H said...

What a wonderful giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win. My favorite movie for any time of year is The Inlaws, the original one. The whole family enjoys it and I laugh every time even though I have seen it over and over. For a snow day, my favorite is White Christmas. We love to watch that one. I am a follower and enjoy your blog very much.

Stitched With Prayer said...

Wow...a wonderful giveaway, so generous and in keeping with your thoughts of the real reason we are celebrating Christmas. Now in keeping with your has occured to me that I am now standing here with my hand out hoping to get fabric from you, hmmmm...I'll get back to that thought in a minute. I have become a follower of your blog, not for your giveaway but because I JUST found you!!! did I miss your delightful blog for so long? Ah well, I found you now!!! I don't have a blog so I can't blog about your giveaway but you can be sure I will spread the word to my quilting friends and family.
Now, as for my favorite movie, well, I tried to narrow it down to three following your example, I have to include My Favorite Wife an old Cary Grant movie, Places in the Heart, with Sally Fields and this is one that I watch only when I'm alone and feel like a good cry and The Bucket List, Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson. There are so many more, mostly old, many black and white but hey...what can I say, I love em! Okay, back to the having my hand out thought...I just set up my very first sewing room and my stash shelves are kind of bare but there is fabric there, I adore Thimbleberries too...but, if I win, I would like to give you the name of a friend (whom I met through blogging) who is a newer quilter than I am and lives in France and I will foot the postage cost if you will send it to her in my stead. Mainly cause I feel guilty stumbling in here and finding this fabulous giveaway and the Christmas thing and all. Anyway, you get the drift. So, I'll be back to see if I can get another chance...wishing "Good Luck Too Everyone".

Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

Wow, I like so many movies. Indiana Jones, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings.

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

Such a fabulous and generous giveaway. Now I'm not sure I can choose just 1 favourite movie, so I'll go with a couple and say "Pretty Woman" and "An Affair to Remember". I also really really like "Love Actually" and the way the story intertwines. Can you tell I like girly movies?

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

I've blogged about your giveaway here:

Sue said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sue said...

OK so it won't let me edit so I'll make another comment my all time favourite movie is Sleepless in Seattle.
I blogged about it here

Sue said...

Having reread your instructions I am now making my second comment given that the first got deleted. Anyway while Sleepless in Seattle is my all time favourite, Notting Hill and Love Actually are a close second and third but then again I have enjoyed all 7 Harry Potter movies and Lord of the Rings I did all three movies in one sitting after the third DVD was released.

Gill said...

Great giveaway!
My favourite film is The Great Escape!

Vesuviusmama said...

What an easy way to be eligible for that AWESOME haul! Let's see - my kneejerk answer is The Princess Bride. I love that movie. But there are so many that I do like. There's Something About Mary makes me laugh every time. Steel Magnolias is definitely good for a cry. The Shawshank Redemption is just a wonderful story, and it takes place in Maine (where I grew up) so that gives it extra points in my book. Actually, I feel that way about most movies in Maine - The Cider House Rules, The Spitfire Grill - once a Maniac, always a Maniac!

Canadian Kristin said...

Whoa, Nelly! GREAT giveaway!!! My favourite movie is The King and I with Yul Brenner! Awesome!!!

Quilt n Queen said...

Fabulous giveaway.....and my favorite movie would be Dirty Dancing. I've watched it many times but there are a lot of great movies I really like also.....Sound of Music......The Bridges of Madison County

Thanks for the chance to win....good luck everyone!

Mama24Monkeys said...

Wow...beautiful kit. I hope I am the lucky one to give it a new home.

Munaiba said...

My favourite movie is the Matrix. Great give away. I've never subscribed to a BOM kit. It looks intriguing.

Veronica said...

My favourite movie is August Rush. I don't think it's a well known movie but if you love music, you'll definitely love it. It warms my heart every time I watch it. Thank you for having this wonderful Giveaway.

Carin said...

Beautiful give away !! My favorite movie still is The green mile. I just love that movie !!!

Carin said...

I post about this give away in my sidebar on my blog !!

Brigitte said...

It's hard to pick out just one movie but I like Pride and Prejudice, the Greer Garson version and the Death of a Salesman, which you don't see much anymore.

Mary Lou Casada said...

What a great give-away, Linda! I have about a million favorite movies! But the all-time fave is Ben Hur with the fabulous Charlton Heston!! Christmas and Easter is a semi-annual comfort movie!
Mary Lou

Diane N said...

WOW...what an awesome giveaway! I don't really have a "favorite" movie. I like pretty much any chick flick!

Sandy said...

Wow, great giveaway! I love a lot of movies, but if I had to choose one, it would probably be The Shawshank Redemption.

krisgray said...

WOW = what a giveaway! My fave movie? That's a hard one. Let's see, right now Grease is in the rotation (nostalgia) but I guess the one I've watched so many times that I've lost track is Pride & Prejudice (A&E version w. Colin Firth).

krisgray said...

Just blogged about your awesome giveaway at

Sherri I said...

Thanks for being so generous! This is a great way to get into BOM's. One of my favorite movies is The Wizard of Oz. Thanks again for the chance to win.


Texana said...

Wow, I love Thimbleberries, and I love Gone With the Wind...Love that dress Scarlet wears at the picnic at the beginning...And I love what I call "costume movies" because of the clothes....and I love spotting quilts in just about any movie.

Patty said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
linny said...

What a wonderful giveaway.
2 favourite movies
Shirley Valentine & Pretty Woman

Patty said...

I love Thimbleberries - thanks for the giveaway.

Fav movie? Toy story or maybe sleepless in seattle

Louise said...

I don't have a favorite, but I like the Harry Potter movies. I also love most of the movies based on Jane Austin books. They are a fanciful escape from my ordinary life, and are usually beautifully made.

p.s. Thank you for the very generous give-away!

Daisy said...

Fantastic draw, thanks for the opportunity.
My favorite movies are Pretty woman and the butterfly effect.

Merry Christmas

Kathy said...

Without any hesitation my favorite movie is Casablanca. What a classic. Thanks for the giveaway.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Wow. You are very generous.
My favorite movie is Dr. Zhivago.

Marilyn W said...

Lovin' these colors!!!

My favorite movie would be ANYTHING with Harrison Ford, ei. AirForce One, Fugitive, oh, just any of those...

Marge said...

Sleepless in Seattle is my favorite movie. Thimbleberries is my favorite fabric. I belonged to the 2009 club and I'm debating on 2011 club. I just have to many UFO that need finishing but I would love to win your drawing.

Niina said...

Hi! Minä favourite is Lord of the Rings movies...

Cheryl said...

I have many favorite movies. This time of year its Miracle on 34th St. - the old one with Natalie Wood. And I'll have to watch White Christmas before the season is over. Thanks for a chance to win an awesome giveaway!!

Jblanton said...

My favorite movie is Wizard of Oz, I love that movie must have watched it a hundred times. I also love Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I posted about your BEE on my blog.
Here's the link

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I posted about your BLOCK SWAP ADVENTURE on my blog. Here's the link.

Mary said...

Wow! what a great giveaway.

So many good movies, but this time of the year I'll go with It's a wonderful life - a classic.

Wendy said...

It is almost impossible to have ONE favorite movie. I am a sucker for the so-called chick flick. My mom and I just finished watching "Shall We Dance" with Jennifer Lopez & Richard Gere. Awesome! My favorite of the last year is "It's Complicated" with Meryl Streep, Alex Baldwin & Steve Martin...oh my! But I guess, the classic that started my love for movies is my all time favorite: "The Sound of Music"! Anyway, I've got a project in mind for your giveaway fabric. Fingers crossed!

Wendy said...

Hey Linda, I created a blog post about the bee and the swap. Hoping to get new members soon!

Carin said...

I have post about the Block swap adventure on my blog. I have put the button in my sidebar (on the left).

Carin said...

and I have post about the Let's BEE together on my blog and put the button in my sidebar (on the left).

Kathleen said...

I just found your blog through Karen at Merry Little Quilter blog. What a fantastic giveaway... so generous. My favorite movie used to be The Sound of Music. But kids still groan about it as we only had one TV so if it was on that's what the family was watching. Now I think I'd have to say Murphy's Romance.

Amy said...

I just found your blog through quilty giveaway,this is gorgeous fabric! my favorite movie would have to be a disney...Aristocats! I know I am crazy but I love cats and Disney.Thank you for hosting this giveaway.Amy

Kylie Carlson said...

I grew up on Disney so Beauty and the Beast has a place in my heart, these days I don't have a movie but a TV series- Dr. Who. I love the classic black and white episodes from the 1960's just as much as the new series. Also I know what you mean about Twister, it's always entertaining. kcarlson1152[at]

Sheila said...

Wow! What a really generous giveway!

I'm not sure I have a favourite movie, really. But there are a few classics from my youth that I never tire of watching (provided there's some space between viewings!): Dirty Dancing, The Princess Bride, get the picture. Not great films, but fun ones!

lapappilon said...

wow! wow!
amazing Giveaway!
I want to play with you...
please enter my name...
Favorite movies: Alien, Ridick, The Day After Tomorrow
I've posted this on my sidebar
Eva from Serbia

Anonymous said...

Wow great giveaway!!! (even if it is missing some fabric)

Let's see...favorite movie... it would have to be City of Angels, with Meg Ryan and Nicolas Cage. I real tear jerker gets me every time.

Pokey said...

Hi, Linda! A favorite movie of ours is Princess Bride. But I'm in for super hero flicks and action adventures, too!
What a great giveaway, thanks for the opportunity!

Gene Black said...

Sorry I am so late doing this, but I have blogged about your giveaway.

This is such a generous giveaway that I had to let my readers know about it. Thanks Linda, for your generosity.

Just JaiCi's Crafts said...

My favorite movie of ALL time is Life is Beautiful (not in english) but one of my favorites to watch with my daughter is Roger and Hammerstein's Cinderella with Brandy and Bernadette Peters! It's so stinkin' funny and the music is awesome :)

Moosters said...

What a wonderful and generous giveaway! I'd have to say, in honor of the season, that my favorite movie is It's a Wonderful Life (but Wizard of Oz runs a close second)! Thanks to Gene for sending his readers your way -- can't wait to read through your blog.

Kathleen said...

My favorite is an oldie...I Want to Live with Susan Hayward....she was wonderful in that stunning...thanks for a great giveaway...

Four dogs and one quilter said...

Super giveaway! I love movies, picking which is my favorite is difficult. This time of year, White Christmas but Casablanca is probably my favorite favorite.

Miss Hillbilly said...

My favorite movie??

The Little Princess. I just love that ALL girls are princesses. Because it's true. We are!! I'll never grow too old for that movie. I recently gave my copy away to my good friend who's in her mid-60's and had never seen it. SHOCKING. I'm not talking the Heidi version either...the newer one. I need to go to Amazon and order myself another copy.

I need this BOM because I've never been able to do one before. It would awesome to win one!

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Gosh, I don't think I have a favorite movie. The last movie I watched was one from the Twilight series with my DD and I liked it more than I thought I would. I 'inherited' some of the blocks for this BOM and the border fabric, but none of the other fabrics, so I'd love to win to make a complete quilt! Thanks so much for the chance!

simone said...

My all time favourite is definately The Sound Of Music. I only watch on television, no DVD or so for this movie. Only a few weeks ago I bought the original soundtrack in the thriftshop with a booklet with photographs, that made my day.

Kathleen said...

I blogged about your giveaway..

A.J. Dub. (Amy) said...

I blogged you at

Thanks for this amazing chance!

SubeeSews said...

hopefully I may be the lucky one to win this "lovely". I just finished a This and That BOM and it is gorgeous.
Happy Holidays

Heartsdesire said...

My favourite movie is Out of Africa. I love the music and the photography is amazing. Another thing that I love is your Thimbleberries giveaway. Awesome. Thanks for the chance to win.

SewCalGal said...

What lovely fabric. It would go so well in my home. Yumm. Beautiful quilt too!

My favorite movie? Oh, I have so many. But South Pacific is probably one of my all time favorites.


SewCalGal said...

I have posted about your amazing giveaway on my page where I share insights on contests & giveaways:


Inger said...

As an ABBA-fan I think Mama Mia is my favourite just now.
I,m not a blogger myself, but you have ended up in my favourite-list
so I can go and in and have a look at what nice things you are doing. Your give away is fantastic!

free indeed said...

One I like to watch every so often is Anne of Green Gables. I always cry when Matthew dies. I'll have to check out some of the other movies mentioned; some are new to me.
Thimbleberries is such a classic in taste and style. I'd give it a good home.

Tracy said...

My favorite movie is O' Brother Where Art Thou. I absolutely LOVE that movie. I also really love the Rocky Horror Picture Show. I think it's crazy.


Annie said...

What a generous give away! Thank you for the chance to win it. Hmmm My favorite movie is Labyrinth... yes the one with David Bowie and the goblins. I have loved it since I was tiny and I've seen it hundreds of times! I also love City of Angels.

fatallygorgeous (at) gmail (dot) com

Annie said...

I blogged this at:


GerryART said...

I read about your giveaway on Gene Black's blog.
Oh, my! ! !
I L-O-V-E this TB's quilt/BOM ! ! ! !
I've already participated in our TB's Club program for Vintage Stitches.
Did I tell you I L-O-V-E Vintage Stitches.
How Cool Is This.
This is the giveaway that would make my year ! ! ! !
Thanks for being so generous.
Holiday Hugs,

GerryART said...

OMG I was so thrilled to see Vintage Stitches I forgot to tell you my all-time favorite movie is:
Oh, Brother, Where Art Thou said...

I am going right now and blog about it..

I already left a comment about my favorite movie Harold and Maude.
Chris is where it is going to be in about 5 minutes

sunny said...

What an awesome giveaway!

quiltmom anna said...

I don't know if #200 is lucky or not but perhaps it will be-
I love romantic comedies and my favorites include
Sleepless in Seattle, You've got Mail and Dirty Dancing.
What a fun giveaway and someone is going to have fun making this beautiful block of the month.
Thanks for the opportunity to win such a nice prize.
Warmest regards from Western Canada,

MJ said...

Favorite movie... hummmm... o.k. Shawshank Redemption. Think I've seen it about ohh.. 500+ times.. Don't know why.. just love it.
Great contest! Beautiful fabric...I have my fingers crossed!!
Thank You!!

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