Where you find quality, you will find a craftsman, not a quality-control expert.
~Robert Brault
I had started this post off with a different beginning. One I didn't like very much. It was rather bitchy. I don't think I was in a good mood when I wrote it. But I'm better now and thought I better start again. Now the trouble.....I can't think of a single thing to begin with. The brain is empty and the thoughts just aren't there. There are no AHA moments or what ifs, just a big old void. Maybe there are too many thoughts running through and none of them feel like stopping to say "here's an idea". So instead of boring you further I will just say "Good Morning! I hope you have a wonderful day planned!"

1. Add the day to your calendar. Highlight the entire box surrounding April 7. Then add it to the calendar of everyone in your household. Email notices about the day to friends and family. Mention it in your blog or website. The key to enjoying this day is to broadcast it.
2. Make it official. Post a "cease and desist" order on the refrigerator door, right out front where everyone can see it. Stop working in the house on April 7. Don't wash a single dish, scrub a tile, scour a pan or take out the trash. Be prepared to hold your ground.
3. Leave the house. Plan a day of enjoying your favorite activities. Go for a hike, eat out, go shopping, take in a film, join your friends for celebratory cocktails or do anything else that takes you far from the scene of the grime.
4. Leave the chores to others. Let your spouse and children clean the dishes, scrub the kitchen, mop up the bathroom, vacuum the floors, dust the bookshelves and wash the windows. When they're done, they'll appreciate the job you do, which is another point of the holiday.
5. Buy an extra air sanitizer. Cover any stench from No Housecleaning Day with Lysol, Yankee Candles, or any other favorite smelling odor besides the rotting trash from your day off. Enjoy yourself.
Yesterday I made the final block in the Layer Cake QAL that has been brought to us by Moose On The Porch Quilts.
This block was created by Joan Lucchese, also known as Cali Quilter. and is simply known as Block 12. I didn't have a lot of fabric options left as some of my fabric scraps were much to small to use for this block. Good thing we are at the end. Starting tomorrow Konda will post layout instructions so we can start putting our quilts together.
For the rest of the day I made my very first pin cushion. Yes, I know, I'm late in joining the growing trend of pin cushions, but I just had to find the right pattern that really made me want to create one.
This is called Posey Pin Cushion and is a pattern from Bird Brain Designs. I added the little dragonfly button as a little extra. I filled the outer edges of the base with cotton balls because I didn't have any fiberfill stuffing or wool fleece. Then I filled the main part of the body with crushed walnut shells. Oh, and if you can't tell from the picture, then entire pin cushion is made out of wool.
Here's a top view with a few pins added. Now you can see the french knot center of the flower. This was fun to make and fairly quick to put together. Now I'm ready to make more in different colors and shapes!
Today I think I will start working on a new wall hanging that I've been eager to start. Either that or start putting together the Layer Cake quilt. That would probably be a better idea.
Raggedy Station is having a giveaway to celebrate the opening of their new store. Tess is giving away a fat quarter bundle of 12 beautiful black and white fabric. This giveaway ends Friday, April 8.
Scrappy n' Happy is celebrating her 100th post with a giveaway. Jess is giving away 5 fat quarters of Melly and Me and a beautiful mug rug that she has made. She will draw a winner on Sunday, April 10.
Chasing Cottons is having a major giveaway. There are several items you could win from several different sponsors. This giveaway ends Monday, April 11.
Samelia's Mum is having a giveaway. You could win your very own copy of Handy Mandy's Motorcycle Adventure. This giveaway ends Sunday, April 10.
Canton Village Quilt Works is having a giveaway. They are giving away a 1 year subscription to Quilt Magazine, The Twister Template, and Lil' Twister. This giveaway ends Monday, April 11, at midnight.
Sew Inspired is having giveaway #5 to celebrate her 5th year in blogland. She is giving away two fat quarter sets of Luna II fabric from Maywood Studios. This giveaway ends Friday, April 8.
Hyacinth Quilt Designs is having a giveaway. You could win one of her 3 books along with 3 fat quarters. This giveaway ends Monday, April 11.
1 Choice 4 Quilting is having a giveaway. Shawna is giving away 2 fat quarter bundles of Donna Dewberry Happy Flowers and some super cute little goodies she picked up at a quilt show last week. This giveaway ends Sunday, April 10, at 10:00 pm EST.
Fabric Seeds is having a Welcome Giveaway to celebrate the opening of her new store. Sarah is giving away at least one charm pack of Chrysalis. This giveaway ends Friday, April 15.
We Love Quilting is having an April giveaway. You could win a big box full of surprises. I guess this lasts through the month of April.
Enter my 200th Post Celebration Giveaway to win a $25 gift certificate to Fat Quarter Shop. This giveaway ends Monday, April 11, at 8:00 pm PST.
Have you ever searched for something that you know you have somewhere in the house. You couldn't have possibly thrown it away! It has to be here somewhere!! That's how I was when I went looking for my pinking shears. Now, keep in mind, I probably haven't used these shears since my days of making clothing which was eons ago. But who would throw or give away something like that? It's one of those things you hang onto because you know that someday you just might need them. I looked high, I looked low. I looked under things and on top of things. I looked inside boxes, drawers, and under beds. Nope, no pinking shears. So off to do some online shopping. I finally found a pair of Gingher pinking shears for a super good price on Ebay on Sunday. Great! They should be here by the end of the week. I can't make my pin cushion until I have a pair. Guess what I found this morning? You guessed it! My Fiskar pinking shears!!! In a drawer just to the left of my sewing machine where I keep all of the other important and useful sewing tools and appliances that I might need. Guess it won't hurt to have two pairs - lol!
If you wonder where your child left his roller skates, try walking around the house in the dark.
~Leopold Fechtner
Today is your Thursday to enjoy - and remember, NO HOUSEWORK!
1 Choice 4 Quilting is having a giveaway. Shawna is giving away 2 fat quarter bundles of Donna Dewberry Happy Flowers and some super cute little goodies she picked up at a quilt show last week. This giveaway ends Sunday, April 10, at 10:00 pm EST.
Fabric Seeds is having a Welcome Giveaway to celebrate the opening of her new store. Sarah is giving away at least one charm pack of Chrysalis. This giveaway ends Friday, April 15.
We Love Quilting is having an April giveaway. You could win a big box full of surprises. I guess this lasts through the month of April.
Enter my 200th Post Celebration Giveaway to win a $25 gift certificate to Fat Quarter Shop. This giveaway ends Monday, April 11, at 8:00 pm PST.
Have you ever searched for something that you know you have somewhere in the house. You couldn't have possibly thrown it away! It has to be here somewhere!! That's how I was when I went looking for my pinking shears. Now, keep in mind, I probably haven't used these shears since my days of making clothing which was eons ago. But who would throw or give away something like that? It's one of those things you hang onto because you know that someday you just might need them. I looked high, I looked low. I looked under things and on top of things. I looked inside boxes, drawers, and under beds. Nope, no pinking shears. So off to do some online shopping. I finally found a pair of Gingher pinking shears for a super good price on Ebay on Sunday. Great! They should be here by the end of the week. I can't make my pin cushion until I have a pair. Guess what I found this morning? You guessed it! My Fiskar pinking shears!!! In a drawer just to the left of my sewing machine where I keep all of the other important and useful sewing tools and appliances that I might need. Guess it won't hurt to have two pairs - lol!
If you wonder where your child left his roller skates, try walking around the house in the dark.
~Leopold Fechtner
Today is your Thursday to enjoy - and remember, NO HOUSEWORK!
I stopped in the middle of reading your post to e-mail Everyone about No Housework Day and also put it on my Facebook Page! I am a follower for sure!
I love those "flat" pin cushions with just a little weight..They don't go rolling around on me...Yours is so cute.
Your pin cushion is too cute - Great job - especially for a first try :)
Giggles.. I sure am glad you told me it was No Housework Day.. I had planned to clean the house from top to bottom.. and now I will have to find something else to do instead.. LOL
Like you, I am waiting to find the "right" pin cushion pattern to make - yours is looking very good right now! I am curious as to the crushed walnut shells? Is it for weight or to keep pins sharp? Thank you for the No Housework alert - it is about to become an annual holiday in my house! LOL
Love your pin cushion....and block...glad you are feeling better!
I have those days quite often, lol. I didn't know there was a day to celebrate it!!!
Love your pin cushion, that is adorable. Hope you have a wonderful day Linda. Hugs
I do that a lot - look for something EVERYWHERE but never find it...until I stop looking for it and/or have replaced it! Your pin cushion is cute. I got the sewing bug and picked up a pattern and some fabric to make a reuseable market bag (if it turns out ok, it'll be going with Mason to daycare next month).
Well, shoot! I wished I had read this sooner. :( I had already started cleaning on the house. As a matter of fact, I have laundry AND dishes going right now. Well, poo. I will just celebrate it tomorrow, and since it is Friday, I'll make a weekend of it. (Well, probably not, but it sure does sound nice to have a weekend off.) I hope you find your pinking shears soon. Those things are expensive!
Silly me! You had already replaced your shears when you found them. My son distracted me and I had lost my place. That's a 2 year old for you.
Love your pin cushion, I didn't have a pin cushion until a few weeks ago when I won one!! I have done exactly the same with my pinking shears, have looked everywhere for them, had to admit defeat and buy some more - so far my others haven't turned up.
Your pin cushion is amazing. I've gotta know, though, did you make your dragonfly? And if so, how?
Your pin cushion is amazing. I mean really stunningly beautiful. It is one of the best I've seen amongst the pin cushion craze. Really good job!
Well Linda, I didn't get to sit down to the computer until just now and I had already helped hubby get the housework done for the day. When I say,"helped hubby", it's because he has been doing it all, including cooking some great meals since my surgery. But as I get better each day, I try to help as much as I can, or should I say, as much as he will let me, as my activities are still fairly limited. Anyway, we will have to have a "No Housework Day" tomorrow instead, just to stay current, LOL. I hope your feeling better now than you did when you first tried posting this morning. Matter of fact, I hope it is turning into a delightful day. Big Hugs...
No housework for me!!! I am going to our local sit N Stitch tonight to hang out with the ladies. Glad I have an excuse for leaving all the housework till later on sometime........:D
Too bad I already did my housework before I sat down at the computer. That's ok. I take days off all the time. :)
Funny that today I am cleaning house as I am expecting guests for the weekend! Your pincushion is precious!
Hurray for no housework! My late mother used to say, "Housework will still need to be done after I am dead and gone. When I spend my time sewing, I can make something to admire and enjoy for a long time to come." I love to think about her saying that, and she was right!
Love, love your pincushion! I enjoy working with wool. You chose great colors. Love the quilt block, too. I have some yardage of that green and orange fabric with Asian lettering.
By the way, I created a blog post about those quilt blocks that are made in the hoop. http://anne-writehere.blogspot.com/2011/04/fashionetta-quilt-designed-by-evy.html
Have a great day!
I should have found out about no housework day sooner...I've already done dishes and made bread...but now I'm going to enjoy the rest of this holiday and take it easy :-)
I thought everyday was No Housework Day - LOL! I love the pin cushion and enjoyed visiting Bird Brain. Enjoy your day.
Hooray! It's No Housework Day!
Your pin cushion is awesome. :D
Where did you get the filling? I've made a couple pincushions out of an old sugar bowl with no lid & a small creamer. I just used some fiberfill with a layer of steel wool right under the top fabric.
No housework day? I would read that just after I sat down from mopping the kitchen floor. Oh well. I have celebrate it tomorrow!
your block looks great. I can't wait to see your quilt top. Konda already has the finishing instructions posted.
I didn't decide on my Sashing material yet. So, oops, I am now behind. LOL
Your pincushion is so cute! I need to go see that pattern... I love the "no housework day" too - that's hilarious! I always enjoy your blog.
Have a pleasant day!
Jacque in SC
I did not a shred of housework today. Thanks for reminding me. Love your pincushion. Very cute!
oh no! im reading this on friday in australia!!!! just think of all that work i didn't have to do yesterday! i won't be forgetting next year :) thanks for the heads up
I love your version of block 12! I could see a whole quilt in this pattern, and I'm going to be looking through my scraps to see what I can make with the pattern. Thanks for the link to it. I had forgotten to go get block 12. Your pincushion is adorable. I love working in wool and their designs are the best! And finally, no housework is the rule at my place, not the exception.
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