Friday, February 3, 2012

First CCS Completion for 2012

We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.

It's too early in the year to be fighting allergies.  Isn't that supposed to start around March or April?  Not this year.  With the lack of rain and warmer temps, there is dust and dried plants and grasses.  And I'm starting the spring allergy fight.  I didn't even realize that my sinuses were stuffed until I bent over and suddenly felt dizzy yesterday morning.  Allergy meds are helping a bit and it's better than having the feeling of having a spacey head.  Between sneezing and moving a bit slower, it's hard to be motivated to sew.  But that's what I'm going to do anyway.  Looks like it's going to be a terrible allergy spring.



Does the picture above give you the creeps?  For some reason this buzzing, blood sucking insect came to mind for the Fact Of The Day.  With summer fast approaching it's time to learn a little about these flying pests.
* Only female mosquitoes bite; using proteins from a blood meal to produce eggs. Most species can produce several batches of eggs during their lifetime
* The mosquito's visual picture, produced by various parts of its body, is an infrared view produced by its prey's body temperature
* The average life span of the female mosquito is 3 to 100 days; the male's is 10 to 20 days
* Most mosquitoes remain within 1 mile of their breeding site. A few species may range up to 20 miles or more
* Depending on temperature, mosquitoes can develop from egg to adult in as little as 4-7 days
* An adult female mosquito consumes about 5-millionths of a liter in a single blood meal.
* In the interest of science, Artic researchers uncovered their chests, arms, and legs and reported at many as 9000 mosquito bites per person, per minute.  At this rate, an unprotected human would half of his blood supply in approximately 2 hours.
I finished my first cross stitch project for 2012 on Wednesday......
Design:  Cirque des Carreaux
Designer: Tracy Horner - Ink Circles
Fabric:  18 count cream Aida cloth
Fibers: 2 strands over 1 DMS #4240
Started:  November 2011
Completed: February 1, 2012

This is the first piece I've made using just one floss color, however it was variegated so it added a little bit of change throughout.  My favorite part about this piece is that no two designs are exactly alike - well, except for the three littlest designs.  It is sort of like a BOM in quilting.  Now I need to find a frame for it and get it hung on the wall.

I've gotten through about 2/3 of the floss colors, getting them organized and put away.  This is how I do that......

I created a sort of quilted floss binder.  I grabbed some fabric from my stash and quilted it.  Why did I quilt it with white thread?  Because that's what was on the machine.  I even tried my  hand at a binding that was totally machine stitched.  Not my favorite way to do a biding but since this is a strictly utility piece I went with it.

There is an internal flap for added protection for the floss.  This keeps it from flopping out the sides.

And here it is all opened.  I have added a lot more floss since I took this picture.  All floss is cut to approximately 20" lengths.  I know that all instructions say never to work with anything longer than 18" but I like the little bit of added length and have never had any troubles with it.  When I go to start a project I can select as few or as many strands as I wish of any color.  It is also easy to return any unused floss when I'm through.  I secured the top flaps with a Velcro square.  And, yes, you probably noticed that it's not black like it should have been but I had tan available.  Anyway, that's how I store my floss.



I'm going to finish up a Loving Hands quilt today.



The Empty Nest is having a giveaway.  You could win a $30 gift certificate to Fashionable Fabrics.  This giveaway ends Wednesday, February 8, at midnight.

Samplings From a Blue Ribbon Gal is having a giveaway.  You could win a trio of Blue Ribbon Designs needlework charts.  This giveaway ends Saturday, February 4, at 11:59 pm.

Annie's Ruby Slipperz is having a giveaway.  She is ready to send one of the other Traveling Stash boxes on its way.  This giveaway ends Sunday, February 5, at midnight MT.

A Legacy of Stitches is having a giveaway.  You could win 40 charm squares.....all different and also a bit of fabric and a pre-cut wool snowman.  This giveaway ends Saturday, February 4.

Quilary is having a giveaway.  You could win a sewing kit made to your colour choice and a rainbow charm pack.  This giveaway ends Monday, February 20, at midnight AEST.

World of Charity Stitching is having a giveaway.  You could win a sampler pack of Aurifil threads.  This giveaway ends Friday, February 10.

Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe is having a giveaway.  You could win a pdf. cross stitch pattern.  This giveaway ends Tuesday, February 14.

13 Woodhouse Road is having a giveaway.  You could win a $25 gift certificate to Fashionable Fabrics.  This giveaway ends Monday, February 6, at 8:00 am IST.

Happy Quilting is having a giveaway.  You could win a $200 gift certificate to Fat Quarter Shop.  This giveaway ends Tuesday, February 14.

Notions is having a giveaway.  You could win a copy of Eleanor Burns' new book, Tales of First Ladies.  This giveaway ends Sunday, February 5, at 11:59 pm.

The House On The Side Of The Hill is celebrating her birthday with a giveaway. You could win a $25 gift certificate to Want It, Need It, Quilt.  This giveaway ends ?

Quilting Dreams is having a giveaway.  She is ready to send the Pass It On Box on its way.  This giveaway ends Sunday, February 5.



Doesn't it seem like this at times?


Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

OHHHHH what a lovely cross stitch! Had to LOL at the hearing aid for men. I have one of those too. Mine is off, husband, kids, or quilting/blogging!

Needled Mom said...

Your x-stitch is gorgeous. I have not seen floss stored like that before. Great job.


Feel better soon.

beaquilter said...

wow! that cross stitch is gorgeous!! awesome

Cheryl said...

Congratulations on your fine finish. Love the way you store your floss.

Barb said...

I love your floss organizer and your finish is fantastic....I really admire your patience...

Sara Lyn said...

You're cross stitch is bee-YOOOOO-tiful! Hope you find some relief from your allergies!

Lynette said...

They are born with that hearing aid, that's for sure! lol But Linda - Wow!! What a gorgeous cross stitch piece. That is really beautiful.

A.J. Dub. (Amy) said...

Your cross stitch is beautiful!

I like your floss binder. Very handy!

Staci said...

Your cross stitch is gorgeous! You must be smiling.
Love your floss storage, such a clever way to do it. Feel for you on the allergy front. Misery! and it is only February! I've got Gerbera Daisies blooming, and have been for two weeks now. Crazy! Keep wondering if winter will come back and find us, or if it is another year with no winter!

krisgray said...

Lovely, lovely, lovely cross stitch! And that floss organizer is fantastic.

Joanna said...

Your counted cross stitch is super. I like the use of only a single color; it seems more dramatic. You really are a talente stitcher. I guess this unusual weather across the country is affecting all of us. Enjoy your weekend.

Christine said...

Beautiful floss organizer. Organization is a good thing. I wish I was more organized. The cross stitch is beautiful. It is always a pleasure to read about your finishes. Have a good day! :)

Maria said...

Hope your sinus allery is feeling better.

Your cross stitch is amazing, well done Linda.

Linda said...

Your cross stitch is gorgeous!
The floss holder is genius!
The allergies are awful. I can relate. We have had mountain cedar in the air since fall!

corina said...

Your cross stitch is absolutely gorgeous! I may have to revisit some of my unfinished projects from years gone by. I forgot how beautiful cross stitch can be!

Teresa said...

Your cross stitch finish is wonderful.
Creative way you store all your floss.
Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

Ric Rac and Polka Dots said...

Oh yes, allergies are so much fun. Sigh. And, ewwwwwww, the picture of that mosquito just creeps me out. Thank goodness you posted such lovely pictures after that to replace the image in my mind. You did a wonderful job on that cross stitch.

Sheila said...

Your cross stitch is simply stunning, wonderful finish!

Raewyn said...

Your cross stitch is a real work of art Linda. It's a lovely design. That's a great way to store your floss.

quiltercaroline said...

Linda, the cross stitch is amazing - such intricate work. Well done - what have you got planned for it now? I also love the clever way of storing your threads. Happy sewing.

Lynda said...

Lovely cross stitch. Great idea for holding your floss too. Have a great weekend.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Oh my - your opening quote is one I used all the time when working with Cub and Boy Scouts for many years. Just in love with your Cross Stitch piece and the use of the verigated floss really pops the design. And had a good laugh with your closing funny!

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I'm so impressed with you CCS. I can't believe you did it that fast. It's just lovely.

It took me a year to finish the one and only cross stitch that I did finish. Because I did amazingly finish it, I had it framed and put it on my wall.

Quiet Quilter said...

Beautiful! And such a fast finish! And a neat way to store your you have the color numbers on the cards? Or do you go with the flow as far a choosing colors?

Anonymous said...

Hi Linda hope you are feeling better soon,love your cross stitch it looks fantastic.xx

Christine M said...

Oh Linda, your cross stitch is just amazing! I can't believe it only took you three months to do. I'd be going on it forever! Hope you're feeling better soon. Hugs, Christine

Terry said...

Your cross stitch is just beautiful! Congratulations on getting it finished! :0)

RobynLouise said...

Oooh, could have done without the mozzie info! The little buggers transfer diseases too like various fevers between human or animal species - urk :(.
That's a lovely cross stitch and the floss holder is wonderful. I think the white thread adds to the decoration.

Susanne said...

Interesting post. WOW on the cross stitch. It has been ages since I have dabbled in that needlework, and hurray, did I read it took you 3 months? The allergy thing, hon, I have had that going on for over a year and never had that sort of trouble ever till in my late 50's...I went to Ears, Nose and Throat (ENT) doc and he said, "nothing to worry about" although the nasal drainage makes for an itchy throat tickle and constant nose blowing. Even antihistamines do nothing for me. That mosquito, ugly insect, I have heard and read of several things to lower the population, one being don't allow breeding places such as standing water, plant marigolds in pots and around patios and decks because they hate the smell, and Avon Skin So Soft is a good repellant when dabbed on and don't drink sweet beverages (soda) because they love gravitate towards a person who drinks it....
Susanne :)

Char said...

Your cross stitch is outstanding. It makes me want to dig my cross stitch UFOs out of the back of the closet. Beautiful work. The allergies have been treating me pretty badly also.

Teresa F. said...

WOW!!! Your cross stitch is awesome. I would have never been able to do such an intricate piece, and in such a short period of time.
Spring is a wonderful season...except for the allergies, I too suffer from it but not now. today I'm suffering from cold it's 2ºcelsius here. BRRR!!!!

Barbara said...

Your cross stitch is just gorgeous!

marina said...

what a beautiful finish!
Love the design and being blue just makes it perfect.

Anne said...

Now I truly know that 1) mosquitoes are truly the most pesky insects and 2) Arctic researchers lack common sense! ;)

I love your Cirque des Carreaux cross stitch piece. Please feature it again after you frame it and hang it. If you need assistance finding a suitable place to hang it, I will gladly choose a prime spot on my living room wall!

Love your ingenious floss binder! What a wonderful way to store your beautiful thread collection.

Hope you feel better soon. I think the unsettled weather patterns are causing all sorts of problems for people prone to allergies. Take care.

Kathryn D. Duke said...

your blue cross stitch is lovely!!!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

The cross stitch is lovely! What a great job you did on it.

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